2. Hannah

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Hannah's POV

I was out with my girls. It's spring break and everyday of the week there's a party at a different house for the whole week.

"Why didn't Taylor come?" Olivia asked me.

"She wasn't feeling it today and I told her I wasn't going to be that friend that hangouts with her girlfriend... or boyfriend all day and not her friends."

"Damn, now she's going to complain to me all night of why you should have stayed there with her." Lexa said.

"Cousins gotta do what a cousin gotta do." Olivia said

Yeah, Taylor was my girlfriend who was also Lexa's cousin. We were currently looking for Daija. She went off with her boyfriend and hasn't answered her phone and we've only been at the party for a good twenty minutes.

"We need to split up." Lexa said

"What if we get lost trying to find Daija?" Olivia said. She was the baby of the group. 

"Then I'll call you. So keep your phone out. Okay." Lexa said.


We went our separate ways. I took my phone out of my pocket and turned my ringer all the way up. I walked down the hallway walking passed sweaty bodies. I saw a bathroom so I turned the knob and pushed the door. I almost threw up when I saw what was inside.

Daija was on her knees doing what I don't even feel comfortable saying nor thinking about.

I cleared my throat and once they notice I was standing there Anthony pulled Daija up straight and handed her over to me. He pushed passed us and ran somewhere in the crowd.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I asked. I was beyond pissed. One she was drunk as hell. Second she was in the bathroom with her ex doing God knows what, except for what I've seen.

"Hey, you have a nose ring." Are you fucking kidding me.

I put my phone in my back pocket and I struggled to walk her closer towards the door. Once I finally got to the front I then sat her on the step. I took my phone out of my back pocket and called Lexa.

She told me she was with Olivia. As I waited for them to get back I bent down in front of Daija.

"Why were you with Anthony, I thought you were dating Kyle."

She sat up and said "I am with Kyle but when he went to go get us drinks my favorite song started to play and I just started dancing with anyone."

"Then what happened?"

"When I turned around I was with Anthony. He took me to get a couple of drinks and then he wanted to have some fun."

"Hey guys let's go." Lexa said

As we were about to leave we heard someone yelling.

"Daija where were you? I was looking all around for you." Kyle asked.

"I was with..." I cut her off

"She was on the bathroom with me." I said covering for her.

"Oh, okay. Are you about to leave?" Kyle asked

"Yeah." I said trying to hurry before Daija could say anything else.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Daija and began to kiss her. "We're going to the car." Lexa said speaking for her and Olivia. After Kyle was done with his make out session he helped me take Daija to the car.

He stuck Daija on the back seat, next to Olivia. "Umm... Olivia can you sit up front?" Is asked.

"Yeah, sure." She climbed out of the back seat and got into the front. I put the seat belt around Daija and the other one around me.

The car ride was silent. "Hey, can you not tell anyone about what happened. We can just keep it between us."

"Sure, but why did you do it?" I whispered. She never answered so I left it alone.
Once we got home and Daija into the house I walked into my bedroom and got some clothes out for Daija.

"Why did you tell Kyle that you were with Daija?" Lexa asked with Daija in her arms.

"No, reason. I just didn't want them getting into a fight again."

"Okay I'm gonna put a movie on, okay."

"Okay, that's fine." Lexa walked out the room and left the door cracked. I took off Daija's shirt and and leggings and put an oversized t-shirt on her. I brought her up to the head of my bed and pulled the covers from underneath her and put them on top of her.

I turned off the lights and walked into the hallway. I opened up Hailey's bedroom door and saw her and Andrea' on the bed and Jacob on her floor.

I went up to the living room and Lexa and Olivia were watching some movie on Netflix. I sat down on the couch and cuddled up against Lexa. I decided to text Taylor.

Me: Sorry i know its late Daija got drunk

It took her a couple of minutes to answer back.

Taylor: its fine, I really want you where with me

Me: I'll come over tomorrow

Taylor: Yay okay baby Goodnight

Me: love you goodnight

Taylor: love you too

"So what really happened with Daija?" Lexa asked. I really didn't want to have this conversation with her. I got up from off her shoulder.

"Nothing happened."

"Why don't you want to talk about it." I was getting frustrated. This whole situation was Daija's business.

"Because I don't or is that a problem." I shot at her.

"Lexa, I think you should lay off. Obviously she's frustrated and doesn't want to talk about it." Olivia said.

"I'm sorry, I was being an ass I just didn't want to tell Daija's business because she asked me not to tell you guys. I think she'll tell the both of you when she's ready."

I sat down on the couch next to them and we all cuddled up together rapped in a furry blanket Hailey gave to me for my birthday.

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