Chapter One

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 I dedicated this to @BellaJohnson because she's one of my favorite werewolf writers on Wattpad! 

Chapter One

Gabriel sat in his office when suddenly a loud knock shook him from his reveries.  He looked up to find Walker, one of his closest, or only friend standing there. 

"Hey, Gabriel, we caught him," Walker informed him, an accomplished smile on his mouth.  Gabriel nodded in approval, his thoughts returning to what he had been thinking about before he was interrupted.

"Uh," Walker hesitated, "so what should we do with him?"  Gabriel looked at Walker in annoyance, disliking the redundance of the question, considering they followed the same routine each time. 

"Question him. If he does not cooperate, then do whatever it takes to get him to.  Spare no mercy," Gabriel told Walker intently.  "I want every piece of information from him, so don't kill him until you guys get everything. Afterwards, you may do whatever you like to him."  Walker grinned in response.  It was a rather boyish grin, so an outsider would not have known the dark thoughts running through his mind. 

After Walker left, Gabriel tended back to his own thoughts.  He knew he would have to return to college after the three week break he had taken.  It had taken that long to get everything back into order in the pack, but Gabriel deliberated whether or not he should even go back.  

He knew that he would need some source of income, but he could always try to restart the business his father somehow ran to the ground.  Yet there was a part of Gabriel that secretly longed to be a lab scientist.  It was a dream that no one knew about, and Gabriel would never admit to it. However, there had always been a part of him that relished in the triumphs of new discovery.  Gabriel almost laughed to himself at how silly he was, toying with humans ideas such as dreams other than maintaining a healthy, powerful pack.  He sighed, pondering once again, what the meaning to life was.


I looked over to the sleeping form of my roommate, Ashlyn, as I made my bed.  Seeing the time, I decided it was time to wake her up.  

"Ashlyn," I called out to her, hoping she would awaken. When she didn't, I called a few more times.  Since she didn't seem to be waking up, I grabbed my pillow and tossed it at her.  It hit her face, and somehow defying the laws of physics, it stayed there instead of bouncing off.

I heard her take in a deep breath, but she obviously couldn't breathe with the pillow on her face.  I saw her shake her head in displeasure in her sleep, but she still didn't wake up--that is, until a few seconds later.  Her eyes suddenly popped open, and she ripped the pillow off of her face. 

After gulping a few breaths, she seemed to gather her surroundings, and when she saw me, she realized what had happened. Her eyes narrowed, as she seemed to realize that I was the one who threw the pillow, to which I only smirked back at her.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty," I called, before turning to leave the room.

"Wait!" she cried. "What time is it?" 

"Don't worry. I woke you up thirty minutes before class, exactly like you asked me to," I rolled my eyes at her. Sometimes I felt like I was her mother. 

She sighed in relief. "Oh okay." 

"What? No gratitude? You know," I raised my eyebrows at her, "I could have very well have left you to miss your seminar altogether. And you know Mr. Cranky Professor wouldn't like that very much."  A smile began to tug at my lips, and I could see the same was occurring to her. 

"Oh, but you wouldn't," she teased back, "since you love me so much." I rolled my eyes at her response.

"Whatever. I'm leaving for class now, so I'll see you at lunch. Later," I call out to her, as I actually leave.  I walk through the hallways of the dormitory before I finally saw the nice greenery that was the biggest field on campus.  As usual, there were only a handful people lounging around, opposed to the many who ate lunch here.

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