Chapter Two

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(A/N I don't dislike Stephanie Meyer, but we have to admit, her female lead roles are pretty fragile women) 

Chapter Two

When I finally returned to my dorm, I had an urge to curl up on my bed and cry from the embarrassment I felt.  Before I did that though, I realized that it would only be stupid. Why should I cry over spilt milk? What's done was already done. God, I felt like that weak female character in that Stephanie Meyer novel. I could just apologize later and say i wasn't feeling like myself if I really found it necessary

Instead, I took a shower, as if to wash away the feelings I had experienced while with Gabriel.  I decided to look towards the positive side. At least he was only in my Cellular Neurobiology class, and he sat way in the back.  I could manage to avoid any encounters with him if luck was on my side.  I only had those classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and today was Thursday, so I wouldn't see him until Tuesday. I could probably get there right before class started and then leave right as we were dismissed to avoid any possibility of conversing with him. 

With my new game plan established, I felt in a much happier mood as I prepared for my next class at four.  Before I left though, I hesitated.  If Gabriel had just began showing up for classes, then what were the odds that he was in some of my other classes, just he hadn't shown up until now? I pushed the thought aside, knowing it was quite unlikely.

I made it to my class with a few minutes to spare.  I internally groaned at the prospect of listening to my professor lecture for the next two hours on Technology in American History.  It was one of my most boring classes, but it was a required part of the school curriculum to graduate. Thankfully Gabriel wasn't in the class though.

After class was over, I decided to meet with Henry and some of his other friends for dinner.  He said he booked a reservation at a nice restaurant nearby in order to celebrate one of his friend's birthdays.  Since they were all supposed to bring a date, he invited me along and I accepted.  

As I was getting dressed, Ashlyn burst into the room, and when she located me, she grinned.

"Guess what?" she asked me.  Before I could respond, she continued. "We're going to camping this weekend!"

"No we're not," I responded, deadpanned. The idea of sleeping in the wilderness in a tent meanwhile insects crawled tried to find little holes to sneak in and crawl inside my ears and mouth disgusted me. 

"But Elise," Ashlyn whined, "you know that I've always wanted to go camping. I never got to since..." After she trailed off, she looked a bit solemn.  I felt bad now, since I did know what she was feeling. Her father had passed away when she was young, like mine did, and she never got to experience the "fatherly" side of family fun, which included the outdoor, "roughin' it up" kind of stuff. 

"Oh Ashlyn," I sighed, "I guess we can. Is it just going to be the two of us?" 

"No, two of my friends, Natalie and Priscilla, in my Natural History class were the ones to invite us," Ashlyn responded.  I nodded in acknowledgement and continued to get dressed.  Ashlyn helped me put some light makeup on as I sat there watching her.  

"Have fun with Henry," Ashlyn smiled when she was finished applying the last touches. 

"Thanks," I responded. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us? It's only a friendly event, so I'm sure you could come, too." 

"No, I wouldn't want to intrude," she replied, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Anyways, after you come back, we're packing for the trip. After our morning classes tomorrow, we're leaving." 

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