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"Diana!" I heard my older cousin, Arianna, called after me as I ran.

Tears streamed down my face as I ran as fast as I could. Arianna was faster than anyone I knew but i was to far ahead of her and too short for her to see where I was going. I swerved past everyone on the busy streets, turning ever corner possible.

I could faintly hear her still calling my name but I ignored it. London, everywhere in London, was busy this time of night. It was close to seven at night and the crisp December air sent shivers down my bare arms. I felt my tears freeze to my cheeks as snow started to fall from the sky.

I know I lost her but I kept running anyways. People shouted and glared at me as I pushed threw them, but ignored it like usual. My feet slipped across an ice patch causing me to fall on my back.

I laid there, pain taking over my whole body. Nobody bothered to stop and help me but the stared as they walked by. My right eye started to blur as it swelled shut from earlier.

I used my little strength to pull myself back up. I looked behind me to see if Arianna was anywhere in sight, but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I started running again but my legs were getting weaker. I looked up to see a grocery store to my right and up a block.

I picked up my speed and headed towards the warm, familiar building. I didn't stop running when I entered. I was only forced to a stop when I ran into someone.

I looked up through my blurred vision to see a tall man standing in front of me. He looked around Ariannas age maybe a bit older. He smiled down at me but looked confused once he took a good luck at me. He crouched down to my height.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice was quiet and kind.

I shook my head, then rubbed my eyes trying to stop my tears. I quickly stopped when my swollen eye shot me with pain.

"Why don't you tell me your name?" The stranger said with a smile.

Arianna always taught me not to talk to strangers. I didn't reply to him, just as she had taught me. I didn't move either, I just stared at him.

"My name is Louis." He held out his hand for me to shake but I just stood there, my arms frozen to my sides. He smiled warmly at me again as he acknowledged the fact that I wouldn't take that risk. "Is there anyway that I can help you?"

I shrugged my shoulders. Then the thought of Arianna running looking for me flashed through my mind. Tears started to escape my eyes again at the thought if her being worried about me.

"Are you lost?" I wasn't, I knew exactly where I was.

I nodded my head. He pulled something from his pocket, I quickly took a few steps back.

"It's just a cell phone, I'm not going to hurt you." He smiled with a little laugh. I took a step back closer to him. "Do you want to call someone?"

"Yes please." I whispered. He handed me his phone. "Thank you sir Louis." I tried to smile at him but my lips still quivered.

I typed in Arianna's phone number that she had me memorize a long time ago. It started to ring and ring and ring. I heard a slight pant before her voice echoed through.

"Hello?" It was defiantly Arianna panting, she was still running after me even though I had stopped running.

"Arianna, where are you?" I cried into the phone.

"Diana!" She shouted into the phone, forcing me to pull it farther away from my ear. "Where the hell are you?" I could hear her sniffles, she was crying.

"I'm at the grocery store, please come get me!" I started to cry harder as my fears took over me.

"Stay there I will be there in a second!" She quickly said and only gave me a long enough time to mumble an okay before she hung up.

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