I Would

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Harry's POV---

"Just don't bring it up Liam." I was completely annoyed with Liam and Niall right now.
"She is keeping this from you, don't you feel betrayed in the slightest way?" Niall asked.
"No I don't! It's her choice as to when to tell me or any of you this stuff." I yelled at them as we all stood in front of the computer with a document pulled up that Liam had found.
"What if she never told you?" Liam insisted.
I walked away from them to the living room. "How the hell do you know what we tell each other in our relationship? I know she has had a hard past and that's why I'm not going to push it. I will wait for her to tell me and you guys can wait too!" I plopped down on the couch next to Zayn and Perrie.
"What's the point of waiting when we already know?" Liam followed me into the room and stood in front of me with his arms crossed.
"You wouldn't know if you would have just kept your nose in your own business! What makes you think that you have any right to know this stuff about her?" With every word they said it was just making me more angry.
"It was a public issue!" Liam yelled at me in defense.
"That didn't involve her!" I shouted back right as Louis walked in with Eleanor, Phoebe, and Daisy.
"Boys calm down." Louis said as he dropped to the couch across from me.
Niall took a step so he now stood next to Liam, he folded his arms across his chest. "Maybe it didn't involve Ari but it definitely affected her and Diana." Niall said sternly.
"Of course it affected her, it would affect you too if you were in her position." I can't believe they are doing this.
"She shouldn't keep it from Diana, it could be harming her more than anyone." Niall went on.
"Diana is six years old, there are some things that she just wouldn't understand yet and doesn't need to know!" Diana has already been through enough she doesn't need to know about any of this. "And what puts either of you in any position to be telling Ari how to raise Diana?"
"Liam, just drop it, he has a point. Plus there is a way better way we could be handling this. Maybe talk to Ari." Sophia, Liam's girlfriend, came walking in with Eleanor.
"Thank you!" I exclaimed.
"Now your on his side?" Liam practically yelled at her.
"I'm not on anyone's side, I haven't even met the girl and I have no clue what her story is. But it's her story and how she handles it is up to her." She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
That's when there was a knock at the door. We all froze in our spots but Perrie got up to go get it followed by Eleanor and Sophia. I. Heard the door open and the introductions going on. I stood up when I saw Ari and Diana, I walked over to them giving each a hug but keeping my arm around Ari's waist.
When we entered the main room again the boys all stared at her. Zayn and Louis, weren't in the previous discussion but they knew what had happened. Liam and Niall glared at her and I felt her tense.
"Hi guys?" She tried to smile but Liam and Niall wouldn't stop staring.
"Arianna, we need to talk." Liam stated. Is he serious? Any day but today, it's her moms birthday!
Arianna just nodded her head but I could tell she was uncomfortable with this type of attention.
"Liam just stop, don't bring it up!" I yelled through my clenched teeth.
"Bring what up?" Arianna looked around confused.
"LIAM!" Sophia shouted, taking a step in front of him. "Just leave her alone." She said quieter but we all heard.
"No." Ari stated, her voice strong but I knew she wasn't as strong as she showed. "What is he talking about?"
"When did you plan on telling us?" Niall yelled at her.
"NIALL!" I shouted, Ari placed a hand on my chest signaling for me to clam down.
"When did you plan on telling us about your siblings!?" Liam quickly shouted before Sophia could stop him.
I looked over at Arianna, I have never seen so much pain in someone's eyes.

Ari's POV---

"When did you plan on telling us about your siblings?" Liam's voice was cold as ice and it stabbed me.
"Arianna, I'm so sorry!" Sophia spoke as she tried to push Liam out of the room but he was to strong for her.
I was frozen. How the hell did they find out? As if I didn't feel like crap enough today!
"Ari, I'm so-" Harry started but I cut him off.
"How the hell did you guys find out?" My voice was weak and shaky, I hated feeling this way.
"It was a public problem six years ago, you didn't actually think we wouldn't find out?" Niall laughed coldly.
"I never thought you would snoop into my past just to figure it out!" I yelled back harshly, I felt Diana's hand grow tight on mine.
"Please don't be mad, they had no right  to do it." Eleanor said and I knew she was mad at the two boys.
"I'm not mad." I shrugged my shoulders, I was telling the truth. "I'm just upset that you guys would go digging through my past than just be up front and ask me about it!" I tried to keep my voice low but it cracked.
"Would you have even told us about it?" Liam folded his arms and glared at me.
"Liam, I have known you guys for two weeks! It's not just something you spill on the first date or the first time you meet someone!" Harry pulled me closer to him, he knew I didn't want him fighting this battle for me. "Why do you guys care so much, it doesn't affect you and it didn't affect me at the time?"
"Because we like to know the truth about the people we hang out with and spend time with!" Niall yelled but I knew he just wanted to know for Diana's sake, that's why they both wanted to know.
"Fine!" I yelled and then looked over by Louis. "Phoebe, Daisy, could you guys please take Diana into another room?" I asked and they nodded and smiled.
"Diana has ever right to-" Niall started.
"I swear to God Niall!" I shouted not meaning to raise my voice but I couldn't stand the idea of hurting Diana anymore.
The girls walked over but Diana held tight to my hand. I crouched down to her level, tears were in her eyes. "Diana I need you to go with them." I said simply.
"Are you okay Arianna?" The tears started to stream down her face which made tears come to my eyes.
"Look what you did!" I heard Sophia whisper shout and then slap Liam's arm.
"I'll be fine, I promise." I tried to smile at her and then gave her a quick hug. I released her hand and she slowly walked away with the girls.
I waited until they were out of sight before I stood back up again. Harry instantly entwined our fingers together and gave me all the strength I need to at least start the story.
"Here's the truth." I choked on just those three words.
"Arianna, you don't need to tell us." Perrie jumped up and ran over to me.
"I'm fine, I think." I smiled at her and she nodded but didn't completely walk away, stopping next to Niall just in case he got a big mouth again.
"She's right, if you can't do this then don't push yourself." Harry whispered in my ear, I nodded in response.
"I was thirteen, I was happy, I was normal and nothing seemed wrong. I lived with my mom, my older sister, and my younger brother and sister who were twins." I took deep breath, never had I explained this story. "One night my older sister, Alana, and my younger sister, Lea, went to a movie. Nothing seemed wrong at the time, my older sister was sixteen, perfectly capable of taking a nine year old to a movie. But they never came home, days went by and there was no sign of them. The police were all over the story, never leaving my house, I was always getting questioned by someone new. My sisters had been kidnapped, what more was there to explain?"
I paused. For the first time in all the weak moments I have had in front of Harry, I started crying. I released Harry's hand and buried my face in my palms. Its been months sense I had cried about this, I missed them like crazy but I could never do anything, nobody to let it out too.
Harry braced me in a hug and I cried to his chest, I have never felt so weak before. I had hid all these feelings inside of me for the past three years and now they just all poured out.
"You don't have to go on, you can stop now." Harry whispered but I shook my head and pulled away from him.
I looked up at Niall and Liam, there faces had softened. "Thank you two for making me have to relive all this pain, I'm really appreciating it right now!" I didn't stop the attitude and I don't care what they think.
"A year went by, there was no trace of them. My brother, Ian, Lea's twin, he felt the pain the worst. I slowly watched as he became desperate without his sister next to him like she always had been. It was the hardest thing I had ever watched happen. Sometime within that same year my mom became hopeless, depression hit her hard. My brother and I had to learn how to take care of her. Until one day when Ian broke, he locked himself in his room, depression had taken over the only family I had left. At age thirteen I had to keep my family going, you have no idea how hard that is!" The memories started flooding back, trying to communicate with Ian but he never responded. "Two years later, I was standing at my mothers funeral. She fought until she couldn't anymore. She tried to stay strong but nothing was cutting her any slack. We still had no answer as to where my sisters were. That same month Ian was sent to a mental hospital, the same one Diana's mom is at. I was on my own, my uncle had adopted me, that's when he started abusing Diana. He was so upset about my moms death that he took it out on her because I was the only thing he had left of his sisters. Everyday I protected her and I will never stop. Three months after my moms death we got news of the closure that she needed to survive, my sisters were found. Alana was dead, starved to death. Lea was found barley alive but is now better, she too is at the mental hospital with my brother and aunt. I haven't seen either my brother or sister in three to six years, but they are together which is what keeps me going." I stopped, what more did they want to hear? "There's the truth, there's the story you went digging through my past to get. I hope your happy." With that I turned around and made my way to find Diana.
"Arianna! Wait!" I heard Niall yell after me, it took everything in me to stop myself from walking out the door.
I turned around to see him and Liam standing right behind me. "We are so sorry, we knew the outline not the story. We should have never forced you to tell us." Liam said, I knew they felt bad.
"We just wanted to stop Diana from hurting, we thought that the story would have something more to do with her." Niall confessed.
"My only job in life is to protect Diana, there is a reason why I never told her this story. She will know someday but today is not the day." They both nodded signaling that they understood and I knew they did. "I want you guys to know, all of you." I gestured to everyone in the room. "Especially you, Harry, I would have told you. I'm not sure when I would have, but I know I would. I kept to myself because I'm still hoping that one day my brother and sister will heal along with my aunt and I can have a somewhat family again. When I met you guys, I felt as if me and Diana finally belonged somewhere that we wouldn't get hurt. I didn't want you guys to pity us or think of us any differently. I would have told you, I just needed time."
"Ari, we are so sorry." Niall repeated.
"Niall, I know." I slightly smiled. "It's okay, I know you were just worried about Diana and I thank you for that. I just wished that you would have confronted me about it in a different way than you did." Or on a different day, I mentally added. "But please no more apologies, a girl can only be pitied so much in one life time." I laughed which made them smile.
"So will you please stay?" Liam asked, the best part about this is that I knew soon we could go back to being friends. It wouldn't be awkward as long as we didn't make it.
"Yes." I smiled and they both gave me a hug before we walked back over to everyone.
Luckily Perrie sensed the fact that I didn't want things to be awkward and changed subjects quickly. "On that note I believe it's time to go ice skating!" We all laughed, gathered the young girls, and got ready to go.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I whispered when I made my way to Harry. "I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore because of my broken fucked up life." I sighed, expecting the worse.
"Your crazy, I'm never letting go of you!" He laughed and grabbed my hand is his. "I'm going to stay by your side no matter what, that story is part of you and I'm honored to say that it's part of you that I love. It shows how strong you are."
"Harry, I'm not always this strong." I looked down at the ground.
"It's okay to be weak Ari, every person breaks including you. You have been strong for so long, you deserved this chance to break even if it wasn't a good way for it to happen." He smiled at me and I know he will stand by me at my weakest moments.
"Your amazing Harry." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"And your beautiful inside and out." He leaned down to kiss my forehead before we headed towards everyone else.
If I had the choice to erase this day from my life, I would never do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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