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Chapter four:

I was awake, but I was not at the Greene farm. Instead I stood in a field of daisies and white peonies. Each flower had about two colourful butterflies on their petals.

It was breathtaking. Except the uncomfteriably burning in my feet.

As I looked down, horror filled my very being. For on my legs were bites. Walker bites. I was bit, so now I'm going to die.

The field did not look pretty anymore, since I saw what the flowers were growing on. Thousand and thousands of walker corpses laying on eachother. Flowers growing out of every opening.

"You need to be careful little girl. Or you will join them in the garden." A voice told me. And I screamed.

I awoke with a start. My heart was pounding so hard that I was afraid my ribs would break.

A comotion outside got my attention, and just then Daryl burst into my room. His face desperate as he saw me awake.

"We have te git outta here. C'mon. Follow me." He instructed and I followed him put of the house. Then I saw what this was all about.

A whole herd of walkers surrounded the big two story house. The barn was up in flames and alot of people were running to their cars and riding away.

"Ye go with Hershel now, ya hear? No runnin around like a headless chicken. Ye need te focus and get into a car. Got me?" He instructed me once again. But I was to speechless so I settled for a nod of confirmation.

Hershel was standing beside his house, shooting every walker that dares to near it. I accompanied him and started shooting my pistol. I saw Raven running alongside a car, keeping pace with it.

Atleast she's safe.

Suddenly Rick and Carl showed up, shooting a walker right beside me. I turned around with wide eyes as Carl latched his hand around my wrist and Rick dragged Hershel towards a car.

We clambered inside quickly, just as about ten walkers surrounded the car.

"What happened?" I asked in horror at the scene infront of me. My hand clutching Carl's with a ferocity.

"We searched for Randal because he escaped and suddenly a whole herd of walkers followed behind us." Carl said quickly, glancing at our entwined hands.

"Did everyone make it though?" I asked in panic. I didn't want anyone to be left behind.

"I don't know, everything happened so fast. But I know that Glenn, Maggie and Daryl made it. I saw them." Rick informed me. And I relax a little.

"This was a good place. Safe. But looks like we fooled ourselves. Nowhere is safe." I grumbled and put my head on Carl's shoulder, drifting off. But there was that awfull burning on my left leg. But I was too tired to confirm if it was indeed like my dream.

I just drifted off to a restless sleep.

*a few hours later*

I was shaken awake by Carl. We had finally arrived at the highway, but no one was there yet. It made me worry. Is my brother okay?

All I did was stand next to Carl as his dad and Hershel planned for the future. Not a very bright looking future mind you. One full of the undead and amasing prospects of dying.

Carl and I still held eachothers hands but it seemed natural. But I let go once I heard Hershel say that Rick had to take me and Carl to safety. I exploded.

"Are ye bonkers? I can't just leave without me brother. I lost him once, never again. Ye hear me? Never again!" I hit the car beside me with my fist and stalked away.

"Damn stupid idea. Leavin Daryl. Pshh." I rolled my eyes sat with my back on a tractor wheel.

Daryl's bike suddenly showed up with two cars right behind it. They made it!

Daryl and Carol climbed off of the bike. Glenn and Maggie exited their car and Lori, Beth and T dog jumped from the blue bucky.

"Daryl!" I yelled and ran to my brother. He spun around with relief evident on his face. His arms open.

"Lilah!" He yelled and scooped me into his arms, hugging me to him tightly.

""I was worried. Scared even." I mumbled into his neck and he patted my back, letting go of me. But a sudden thought dawned on me.

"Where's Raven?" Suddenly everyone went silent and I guess I knew what that meant. But I wanted to hear it for myself.

"She fought bravely. Protecting us and getting any walker that came near us. They overwhelmed her." Maggie said in her faint county accent.

I clenched my bleeding hand and bit my lower lip. Lashing out once again I hit the nearest car to me. My already split knuckles were hurt worse. I could hear three of my fingers breaking but I soon stopped.

A metalic taste filled my mouth and I realised I bit my tongue. I just spat out the blood gave a feral snarl as a hand neared my shoulder. Whoever it was, retracted their hand quickly. Good choice. I took a deep breath and turned around, facing the group. My expression was blank. No tears escaped my eyes.

"So, we gotta leave." Was all I said as I climbed into the red car that we had arrived in. Sorrow swirling around my heart.

Raven is dead. No, I'm not sad that she's gone. It's better this way, but its how she died. A really gruesome death.

And then finally, tears started to pour down my cheeks.

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