I Love You

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Originally I was supposed to go to homecoming with him(as friends). But as time went by I started to like some other guy and I wanted to go with my crush instead. I confronted him about and that's what he said. Big scandal. I ended up breaking it off with the guy four months later. Shawn was there for me.

I understand depression.

Because we as humans were brought into this world in pairs.

Born to survive off the love of others. We weren't created to be alone.

Like Adam and Eve. Or Eve and Eve and Adam and Adam.

Born to wonder the mysteries of this world together. That's why it takes two half's of a person to make a whole.

Made to go through life's ups and downs, feats and failures with someone by your side.

That's why in movies you see bad guys with loyalist and armies.

People weren't made to make it without someone to love.

Some to hug, someone to kiss, someone to touch. Because hugs say I love you without words needed. Because kisses are unwritten treaties of the heart.

And we touch.

We touch because the sensation you get when someone else's body is pressed against your own gives you pleasures that you'd always want.

That's why depression kills.

Because you hug me, you kiss me, you touch me, you love me. And in return I love you.

Rashawn's a great guy fr. And no I'm not IN love with him but I love him. Rashawn was my friend during one of the lowest points in my 15 year old life. He's like a brother to me n I don't think he realizes just how much he means to me.

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