Chapter One

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Chapter One

Seventeen year-old Lacey sat down on her black and red bed and sighed. Today's the day she and her best friend were leaving home, going out on their own. Two rogue Elementals in one place was begging for trouble, so they were running, with no particular destination in mind. She glanced at the frames scattered around her room and her eyes locked onto one in particualr. It was of her parents, before they had died. They had their arms wrapped around each other and were looking into each other's eyes. They looked so in love. Lacey gave a small smile and stood up. She picked up the frame and turned it over. She took the photo out and walked over to her duffelbag that was lying at the foot of ger bed and placed the photo inside. The only other photo she wanted to take was already in her bag. It was a photo of Matthew, his parents (her adoptive parents), his brother, Tyler, and her in front of the lake behind their house.

She glanced up at the mirror on her cupboard and took in her long, medium brown, hair that was pretty straight and her violet eyes.

"Lace? You about ready?" Nineteen year-old Matthew said as he stuck his head around the door frame. She smiled and locked gazes with his blue-grey eyes.

"Yeah Matt. Almost. Just making sure I have everything." He ran a hand through his short, dark brown hair.

"Let me know when you're ready."


Lacey was panting, tears in her eyes. A scream built in her throat but she swallowed it. This hurt like hell. She could distantly hear Matthew talking to her, motivating her to make it through her first change. It felt like every bone in her body was being broken and pulled apart, which, technically they were. Her body was working overtime, breaking and shifting to form a new shape.

"Almost there Lace." Matthew coaxed. She finally let herself scream as the last bone shifted and her fur had grown. She had finally shifted.


Lacey shook herself out of her memories and smiled at Matt.

"Sure babe." They talked to one another as though they were a couple, but they actually weren't. They had just been best friends since she was three and he was five. They had both just graduated from high school, she had skipped second grade because she was so advanced and he had been placed into school late because he had broken both his arms just before he was supposed to start. So they had ended up in the same grade.

"Can I take this?" He asked motioning to her backpack that lay on her bed.

"Yeah, sure." She replied and walked off to her dresser to check whether she had forgotten anything. Matt came in and picked up the backpack and took it out to his double cab truck. Lacey stood for a moment looking at a photo of her and Matt. She looked around her room, collected her money from her cupboard and retrieved her duffelbag. She sighed, walked out of her room and closed the door. She went outside and put her bag on the backseat of Matt's red truck. Moments later he came out with a cooler.

"I packed us as much food as I could." He told her.

"Thanks," She smiled. "Where are your parents?"

"On their way out, we're pretty much ready to go."

"Hey kids!" Matts father, John, said as he came out of the house. His wife, Amanda, just smiled sadly.

"Hey Mom, Dad." Matt greeted.

"Hi." Lacey said softly.

"I can't believe you guys are leaving." Amanda said tearfully.

"I'm sorry Ma." Lacey said. She had been adopted by Matt's family when sge was five. They were her family by now too.

"Here son." John said, walking towards Matt. He handed him a thick envelope. "What's this Dad?" He asked.

"Just take it." His father said with a sad smile. Matthew opened it, the envelope was full of money.

"Dad, we can't take this." Lacey said stepping forward.

"Just take it, I want you kids to be safe and not have to worry until you find somewhere safe. Its twenty grand. Be careful with it." Matthew and Lacey hugged John each in turn.

"Thank you, so much." Lacey said softly to him.

They said their tearful goodbyes and Lacey and Matt got into the truck. Matt started it up and with a final wave to their parents they drove out the drive way and made their way to the highway.


Chapter one guys!! Please vote/comment. I would really appreciate some feedback also, no chapter 2 till I get at least one vote!

Love ya!

-SAequestrian XOXO

P.S: Don't copy my shit.●

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