Their Fears

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Aries: Aesthenophobia: The fear of weakness, showing weakness, or fainting.

Taurus: Thantophobia: The fear of losing someone you love, or just death in general.

Gemini: Monophobia: The fear of being alone, being lonely.

Cancer: Chronophobia: Fear of the future, what's to come.

Leo: Athazagoraphobia: The fear of being forgotten or replaced.

Virgo: It's not really a phobia, but more of insecurities. They fear being useless or unhelpful.

Libra: Atelophobia: The fear of imperfection.

Scorpio: Proditiophobia: Fear of being betrayed.

Sagittarius: Gamophobia: The fear of commitment or marriage.

Capricorn: They fear working hard and getting nothing in return.

Aquarius: Koinophobia: The fear of being ordinary or normal.

Pisces: Kakorrhaphiophobia: Fear of failure or defeat.

These aren't exactly interesting fears, but they're more true to me and my friend.

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