How Possessive They Are

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Aries: They give you freedom as long as you give them freedom too.

Taurus: Most possessive over objects and their possessions. Most likely to become one of those hoarders you see on TV.

Gemini: Not possessive at all, and you better not be possessive over them or they'll run away.

Cancer: Not super possessive, but they do enjoy to possess things.

Leo: In the middle, just honestly depends. If they like you they'll be sort of possessive.

Virgo: They feel the urge to be possessive, but they know that you need freedom, so they allow it.

Libra: Not exactly possessive.

Scorpio: Most possessive of people out of all the signs, unless you betray them then you better start running.

Sagittarius: Most uncommitted, so they aren't possessive what so ever. They're all about that freedom.

Capricorn: Possessive. Don't know what to say, they just are.

Aquarius: Very freedom oriented, unless you get close to them, then they are possessive.

Pisces: Pretty possessive.

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