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Aries: Red for the blood of their enemies.

Taurus: Green for their love of money.

Gemini: Yellow for their optimistic and outgoing personality.

Cancer: Silver for the moon.

Leo: Gold because they are golden.

Virgo: White for their purity and needing everything spotless clean.

Libra: Pink for love.

Scorpio: Black because it represents their souls.

Sagittarius: Orange because they're generally extroverted and bright, they also like Jupiter.

Capricorn: Brown because they're an earth sign and the fact the they are seriously serious.

Aquarius: Blue for the ocean when they swim with mermaids.

Pisces: Purple because they're dreamy (not hot) but secretive at the same time.

I don't mean that Pisces aren't hot, I'm saying that they are sort of dreamers, like day-dreaming and everything like that.

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