Chapter 3

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After school I head to the library and sit in the tutoring section. Jordan was supposed to meet me here. He hasn't shown up yet. I take out my chemistry book and read over the notes from today's lesson, thinking of what I'm going to say when he does arrive.

If he arrives, that is.

It takes him ten minutes to show up. He walks over to me like he had all the time in the world.

I look up at him. "You're late."

"So?" He flops himself down on the chair and put his feet up on the table like he was in his own living room.

"You aren't supposed to put your feet on the table."

He frowns at me. "Don't tell me what to do."

I want to say something, but I figure it's not worth it. We will only get into an argument.

I turn to my textbook. "Anyway, I thought that we could go through what we did in class today."

"Why?" Jordan places his feet on the floor and straightens himself up.

He is going to make this hard for me, I think to myself.

"Because we need to do this so you can pass the exam," I tell him.

He chuckles. "Wow, it's nice to know you really care about me, Mary-Kate. You never seem to care about me before. You have never even spoken to me until now."

His words hurt, but I don't show it does. "Why are you being such a jerk?"

"Why do you care if I am? You don't like me, I don't like you. You think I'm a jerk, I think you are a smart ass."

I place the pen I have been holding down. I may not have wanted to show him that his words hurt, but now I knew he was doing it to piss me off. I can't believe Mr. Heckenberg even wants to me to tutor him. Jordan Gates is not even worth helping.

"I'm trying to help you, Jordan."

He laughs. "Cut the crap, Mary-Kate. You don't want to help me." He moves closer to me, putting his face right into mine. I can smell the mint bubble gum flavour on his breath. "Let's face the real reason why you're here with me. You're here because Mr. Heckenberg told you to do so. But I assume that's not really the real reason at all. You are really here because you want extra credit for college. Isn't that correct?"

I stare at him. He has me speechless.

He laughs. "I thought so. Little Miss Smart Ass is only tutoring me because she wants extra credit."

Without saying anything else to me, he gets up and leaves. I stare at him as he walks away, not understanding why he acted the way he did. Yet again, this is Jordan Gates we're speaking of. He always acts like this. He has no respect for anybody, not even for himself.

I gather up my things and head home. Mom is in the kitchen when I walk in, preparing dinner. I join her, showing her my injury. She gasps, questions flying out of her mouth. I didn't tell her it was Jordan who was responsible for the burn. I just tell her it was an accident. If I tell her the truth, she will tell dad and they will be all over the school about what he did. As much as I dislike Jordan, I didn't want my parents on his back.

* * * * *

"So how did it go with Jordan?" Keegan asks me later when I arrive at her place, walking up the stairs to her room.

I roll my eyes. Did she really have to mention his name? "Please. Don't remind me about that jerk."

"I'm sensing something horrible happened this afternoon."

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