Chapter 21

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RUN! Not this dream again. I was running hard on the same colored sidewalk as my last dream. I look behind me and I see the woman in all black with a black veil shielding her identity.
Maybe I can try to change the dream somehow.
I try to stop running but I can't. It's as though my legs have a mind of its own.
Ahead of me I see what looks to be a house. It's too far away to make any detail of it but I'm getting closer with every step I take.
I look behind me and see that the mysterious person isn't there chasing me down. I look forward again and stop. Somehow, I have already reached the house. I'm on the front lawn where the grass is brown and dead. I look at the house and make a discovery. This is my house. The one I grew up in. But there's something different. It's very old and creepy looking. Like its about to collapse in on itself in any moment. I cautiously make my way to the front door. I stretch my hand out to turn the knob but snap my hand back when the door opens all by itself.
I take a look inside and see nothing. I step in and the door slams behind me. I look around. There's no furniture at all. The once vibrant paint on the walls are dull and peeling off. The floor is covered in layers of dust and dirt. I make my way upstairs. Every step creaks under my weight.
I get to the top step and turn left where my bedroom would be. I slowly walk inside and once again there is no furniture. I pass through the door and walk to the window. There are no other houses around. There's absolutely nothing.
I hear the door creak then a thud of it closing. I slowly turn my head around knowing what was waiting for me. The figure stood there in front of the door.
"Who are you?" My echoey voice asks.
The figure didn't say anything just took a step towards me. I took a small step back.
"What do you want?" I ask in a shaky voice.
The figure again didn't respond. It was slowly taking steps towards me. I took steps back, eventually stopping in the corner of the two walls.
"Who are you?!?" I ask again. Yelling very loudly.
The figure stops when it hears this. It's five feet away from me. It's black hand stretches towards me revealing a gun. It points it at me, the finger wrapped around the trigger. Ready to shoot at any moment.
"I'm your worst nightmare." It replies in a demonic voice. It starts evilly laughing. It takes more steps to me until it's face to face. It puts the gun to my head and laughs in my face. It's breathe smelling of rotting death. I try to scream but nothing comes out. The laughing gets louder and louder and the gun digs into my head. I try harder to get a scream out of me but I can't.

"Rachel it's ok."

I sat up in my bed and find that I'm gripping something. Turns out it was someone. I was breathing and shaking really hard. I look over to see Mitch there, sitting by my side with only boxers on. I loosen my grip on his arms.

"Shh it's ok. It was just a bad dream."

I didn't respond because I couldn't. My throat felt raw. I look over to the window to find that it was still nighttime. I'm still trying to catch my breath.

"You were screaming for like ten minutes straight."

I look back over to Mitch when he says this.

"Oh my gosh your face is pale. What was the nightmare about?"

I look into his eyes and shake my head.

"You don't want to talk about it?"

I shake my head again. I finally was able to control my breathing but my body was still shaking. I realize that I was still holding on to Mitch. I slowly take my hands away and rub my face.

"You ok now?"

I slowly nod my head.
Mitch slowly got up to go back to bed but before he took a step away from me I grab his soft hand. He turns to me.

The Story of Rachel Vaughn |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now