Aye, 1 for me, 10008483902737 for Taylor. {5}

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Note: Not Edited

"I cant just back away! Hes my boyfriend!" She squealed out, her concerned facial expression looked up at me, begging me to help.
But after what mom said yesterday, I couldnt allow this sick boy in our house.

"He has to go home Taylor." I steernly enforced.

She tried to whine about how I'm not the boss, that she can do whatever she wants and that I wasnt her mother.

"Taylor hes sick! Let him go home to his family." I lied through my teeth.

I just needed this boy out of here. I didnt believe my mother when she told me about the sick people, but I wasnt taking any chances.

"Jake? Are you okay?" Taylor asked, her eyes began to droop, looking sadder than ever.
It seemed like she really cares about this boy, the boy whom I have never met before.

He didnt reply to her at all. His head slung over the toilet in the bathroom located downstairs. I really hope hes not dead, it doesnt look like hes breathing?

"Aubree!" Taylor yelled, tears filling her eyes.
"This cant be happening!"

I was just as shocked as she was. My mouth dropped to the floor, starring at the non-breathing, pale looking boy in front of me.
How could something like this happen so fast, he just started complaining about being sick!
I mentally face palmed, great. I mumbled to myself. Taylor was kissing him too, hopefully she didnt catch the virus.

Taylor started to fuss, reaching her hands out all willy nilly against my arm that reached out across the bathroom doorframe.

"I cant let you near him." I finally grasped the courage to say.

"I dont want you catching what he had." I closed the door firmly, accidently slamming it not knowing my own strength.

A tear rolled down her cheek, "hes not okay. Is he?"

Why would she be asking me this question? She saw him, she doesnt need to be asking me; trying to get me to spill the horrible news that she so clearly already knows.

I breathed out a loud sigh, "Taylor. We have to get a hold of his parents."

I couldnt look her in the eyes, I could already tell her bright blue doe eyes were wider than usual. I knew she was giving me that puppy dog expression she just pulled on me, and always pulls on my parents to get her way. It works every time with them, but I will not have it this time. I'll step my foot down if I have to.
After a few minutes of silence, since I wouldnt talk to her or look her directly in the face. She sighed, letting me know she was giving up the fight.

Aye, 1 for me, 10008483902737 for Taylor. I'm totally catching up! Aubree, this is no joking matter, you have a dead boy in your bathroom.
"Ring his parents Tay." I instructed.

Turning towards the stairs, I decided to go take a shower in a bathroom where NO one has died in. I usually dont smell this bad, I must have been noseblind to the outrageous smells that now lingered upon me.

"Also," I spoke out, "Do not open that door. No matter what." I pointed my finger at her steernly.

I think she grasped the message, judging by the look on her face. She seemed scared, yet brave in some sort of weird way.
Grabbing a fuzzy wool towel off the railing, I used it to dry myself off. Then I gently tilted foward, causing my hair to hang down off of the back of my neck and curl the towel around my head.

Whoop, did it with only one try. I gave myself a very impressed look in the mirror. Good work Aubree, I praised. That takes skiilllssss! I joked in my head, feeling proud.

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