Newt Imagine

756 13 3

Requested: blinxnot

Theme: Happy and Fluff

Warning: None


Ali's POV.

My eyes flutter open and I blink a few times to clear my blurry eyes. The sun shone onto me and I saw a pair of brown eyes staring back at me. I smiled knowing it was Newt that I was wrapped up in.

Our legs were tangled together and our faces inches apart. I loved waking up in the morning next to him.

"Goodmorning," his morning voice clear and attractive. I said it back and I knew we didn't need to get up since we both had a day off together.

I lazily sat up and got out of bed stretching. It was a beautiful day to go outside and enjoy the sun, Newt got out of bed as I admired his shirtless body. He slipped on his shirt and his blonde hair was ruffled up.

He always looked adorable in the morning. I slipped on my boots and Newt did the same as we walked hand in hand towards the gardens. It was a nice sunny day to plant some new flowers and pick some of the others.

We didn't have to have flowers but I always wanted to bring something colorful and happy to the glade. I tied back my long brown and blonde hair so it wouldn't get in the way and kneel down and looked at the flowers.

All of the colors were planted and the flowers were successful. Newt and I dug up a bit of the soil together and started to plant our favorite flowers side by side.

We planted them and watered them. I grabbed a basket and started to pick a heap of the flowers while Newt cut up some vines for us. We both had the same idea.  We laid the flowers and vines in he middle of us and got to work.

I twisted the vines together and put them into a green circle. Them I started to twist some of the flowers around it, Newt doing the same as me but with different flowers. I decided to make one for him around and he was making one for me.

I grabbed most of the blue and green ones with a few purples and it looked very cute. Newts one had pink, orange and yellow. It was beautiful. I placed the one I made on his head.

His hair looked perfectly messy and he was an angel in the flower crown. He smiled at me then placed the one he made on me. It was a perfect fit. Newt reached behind me head and I felt him pull out my hair tie and my hair fell over my shoulders.

He liked my hair down.

"You look gorgeous, especially with the flowers on your head and your cute freckles," he said poking my cheeks. I laughed and he grabbed my hand lifting me off of the ground.

He pulled me towards the forest and led me deeper into it. It got more darker the further we went but it was relaxing. He told me to close my eyes and I did as told.

He held my hand and he helped me take a few blinding steps. He told me to open my eyes and so I did. In front of us was a beautiful blue mini pool. I stared in awe. Then Newt did a dramatic jump and landed in the water.

"It's nice and warm! Come on in Ali!" Newt said swimming around peacefully.  I rolled my eyes and jumped in next to him after taking off my flower crown, next to his. The water hit me and it was suprisly warm and relaxing. 

We swam together in the water for a very long time and our fingers were pruning but it didn't matter. This is one of the first times in a very long time since we have been alone together away from the glade. 

"How did you find this place?" I asked Newt as his arms were wrapped around my warm skin. It had gotten dark as we could see through the tall trees. He shrugged and said he stumbled open it the other day.

He kissed my cheek then went for my lips. His lips met with mine and I was distracted by the sensational kiss that I didn't feel Newt holding onto my waist until I new what he was doing.

He pulled my under the water and I held my breath underneath the surface. That trickster. I got up and splashed him repeatedly while we laughed at each other. 

After hours of swimming we decided to get out and dry off. Our clothes were wet but my didn't care. We grabbed the crowns and out them on top of our wet hair and walked back towards the glade.

I saw everyone surrounding the massive bon fire and I ran over to join the fun with Newt by my side. The music was loud as people were dancing and drinking together. 

Newt and I grabbed a drink and started to dance around not caring we saw us. We were having fun and although the day had gone by fast I was still having an amazing time with Newt. 

I'm so glad we had got the day off. I laughed at Newts clumsy dancing skills and helped him out grabbing his hands and leading him with the beat of the music.

We stayed in the same spot for hours dancing till our feet ached but we paid no attentionto it. Our friends danced with us and I never wanted this night to end. It has definitely been one of the best in a while. I smiled happily at Newt and I could see he was happy as well.


There you go I hoped you liked it! xx


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