8. Shelly

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I slam the car door. Harder then I ever thought possible.

"Honey, what's wrong?" my mom asks.

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't say that I kissed the guy in the rebel room. I couldn't say that I thought I loved him. I don't even know what love is! I decided on what I was going to say. "I'm just mad we were in there for so long," I say. "And that I had to be in there with a jerk."

"Don't call names."


"I know you were kissing him that first day. I'm not as gullible as you think."

"I wasn't-"

"Don't lie to me. No. I understand. Really. I do."

"No, you don't. No one will. Fairytales are stupid, and so am I."


We reach our house, and I walked out, and slammed the door again. I run to my room. I swing the door open and slam the door closed again. I wouldn't deal with any of this any longer.

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