The New

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December 5th, 2010


Dorm Lobby

Yukari sat in the dorm's lobby, sitting with little Hisato to her breast. The infant hardly ever gave her enough time to rest in between feedings, wanting to be fed almost every two to three hours at a time. Although she was told by the doctors that this was normal, it was exhausting and she hardly got any sleep at night because of it.

The only rewarding feeling she felt from all of it was that the doctor told her Hisato was gaining weight. At least she felt she was doing something right.

When he wasn't feeding, Yukari was doing what school work she could do, teaching herself with what notes Junpei and Aigis took for her. Although she had been offered by select teachers to give her private lessons in the evening, but she passed, not wanting to be a burden. Also because the dorm was a bit... messy from having an infant being raised in it.

Hisato pulled away and gave a small, soft burp. She pulled up her bra and shirt, then placed him in his cradle in front of her and picked up her schoolwork where she left off. She had to admit, Hisato was alike in his father in the way that he was easy to handle. Despite the constant feeding he demanded from his mother, he was calm for the most part, only crying when she got too focused on her schoolwork and hadn't held him in a while.

Evening came and so did her friends from school, loading her up with more schoolwork to do. It was always nice to have them come home at the end of the day. Even Junpei was playing the part in keeping Hisato entertained while she got some rest before dinner, which Fuka gladly cooked for everyone each night.

"Hey! what's up, little guy!" Junpei held Hisato in front of him, watching as the baby sucked his thumb. "Ready to spend time with Uncle Junpei?!" He bounced him a little and he gave a little noise of content.

"Didn't you say you had test to study for, Junpei-san?" Aigis recalled to him, sitting across from him. She too, in the past months, loved keeping Hisato content. As well as being still interested and intrigued by human babies.

"Y-Yeah, but Hisato doesn't need to know that," He grinned, chuckling a bit to himself. "He's too much like his daddy to learn from me so soon. Isn't that right, my dude?" Hisato gave a disconcerned gurgle, making little kicks as well.

"I wouldn't say that so soon, Junpei-san," Fuka said from the kitchen with a soft laugh. "You'll be surprised what babies can learn at such a young age," She flipped the two slabs of chicken, letting them sizzle in the pan.

"I, myself, am deeply interested in what Hisato-san will grow up to be like... " Aigis thought outloud. Nobody else took any mind to it, just not verbally, that was. So she continued to stare at Hisato as Junpei played with him, bouncing and holding him.


March 31st, 2011


Dorm Lobby

"Have you decided where you're going next, Yukari?"

Mitsuru had came to visit, for whatever reason, assumably to check up on little Hisato. She and Yukari sat next to each other in the lobby of the dorm.

Cradling the six-month old infant in her arms, she stared off into the distance. "I... really don't know, Mitsuru..." She softly responded, patting Hisato's back as he quietly slept in her arms. "My mother has been anything but cooperative and refuses to help. On the other hand, I cannot afford college tuition, even if she did offer her help. Hisato has drained most of my savings I had, as well as kept me from getting a job to make some funds... I... I'm kinda lost at this point..." She tried her best not to let tears out in front of her son, to keep from waking him or rousing him up.

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