The Assurance

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For that year, Yukari was able to barely squeeze into a local university to start her college education. Every class, she brought little Hisato along, since she didn't trust a babysitter with him. For the most part, he was well-behaved, hardly ever making a ruckus. The only times she had to walk out was to feed and change him, and that was it. He slept around the clock, seeming calmed by the voices of her professors and classmates.

For a while, she had no clue what she wanted to major in. It wasn't until her second year that she decided to go for a masters in Accounting, something simple and enough to support herself in the years after. For the most part, school was the one of easiest parts for her. The hardest for her was parenting. Watching Hisato grow before her eyes was a miracle. When she got her Associates, he was two years old, nearing three. At this age, he was starting to blossom into something so familiar to her and the others.

September 25th, 2013


University Courtyard

"Is Hisato hungry?"

"Yes, Mama," the little boy nodded his head. He held out his open hands and Yukari place a small slice of bread into it. As she pulled out her own lunch, he bit off a piece and began to eat. She opened and began to eat her salad, keeping an eye on her son as he ate.

"Thank you," He said once he swallowed, the bit into the bread once more.

She chuckled, watching him eat in the most polite way she'd ever seen a three-year old eat. He turned his gaze to her, which was as wide and curious as it had been when they first opened to the world.

Lunchtime was always like this. She had always made sure to schedule her lectures so she had enough time to eat and spend time with Hisato. And each time, he would be polite in waiting for his food and say his thank yous. Then after lunch, she would watch him play with his toys he brought with her for him and then he'd run around a bit before they packed up and went to her next class.

But this day was different.

As she packed up their belongings, a fellow classmate approached them.

"Miss Takeba, is it?"

She looked up and saw a young male, around the same age and education level as she was. He had dark hair and a bit of an average joe feel about it, but he wore a blazer that was slightly too large for him.

"Uh yes, that's me," Yukari responded to the stranger, standing up, as well as Hisato. "And you might be...?"

"Yamamoto Haruto," He told her and held out his hand. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you,"

She cautiously shook his hand, taking a hold of Hisato's in her free hand. "Should I... know you?" She raised an eyebrow, searching his face for a memory, but to now avail.

"No," Haruto replied releasing her hand. "I'm Yuki's cousin. I only ever heard of you when I was in Iwatodai on vacation and ran into him. He briefly mentioned you when he was leaving,"

"Oh..." She trailed off, looking away from his gaze.

"I'd like to talk about him with you and..." He turned his own gaze to Hisato's, indirectly asking who the child was.

"This is Hisato... Makoto and I's... son," She trailed off once again, not wanting to make eye contact with this awfully weird stranger. "Say hello, Hisato,"

"Hello, sir..." He hid behind his mother's leg, feeling the same about him as she did.

"Oh?" Haruto inquired. "So where's Yuki then?"

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