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They'd taken a break and resided in a clearing. The two had gone off to hash things out or talk or kiss or whatever they did when they were alone.

"So what's the story with them?" Quinn asked, laying in the grass, closing her eyes.

"They were together, and then she was called off for a bounty hunting mission again. He was mad because we all vowed to quit being criminals and she broke that vow," Rocket stated simply.

"Oh, makes sense," she replied. She listened to the forest for a little. And suddenly sat up and looked at Drax.

"How'd you find me?" She asked him, finally realizing it didn't make sense.

"I saw the murder in the alley, and followed you," she was quiet and stood. The voices were loud again, attacking her own.

She walked around the stone that erected from the ground. She walked to the other side and sat on a rock, placing a finger on her temple.

"You okay?" He'd followed her for the second time.

"No," she laughed ironically.

"What is it?"

"The voices," she stated; not sure why she was opening up to the man that shot her.


"Mine, your's, everyone's intentions and feelings. It's too much."

"You hear people's thoughts?"

"Did I stutter?" She looked at him.

"Do you have proof?" He watched her as she looked into the forest.

"No, Drax, I didn't mean to kill the man in the alley. I knew he had a family, a husband, he had a sister. He didn't deserve to die. I did it for the damn money," he looked at her bewilderedly. She looked at her feet.

"It's hard to not only hear what people think, but hear what they think about you. The things they're too afraid to say, I hear it and it's hard to hear."

"I see," he said lowly, unsure what to do.

"I'm not crazy," she stood, moving passed him.

"I didn't say you were," he caught her arm at the bicep, "And I didn't think you were, either."

"Let me go," she said tightly.

He let go, putting his arms in surrender, "All I know is you've got a real talent and you need to use it in the best interest for everyone."

"Unfortunately, not everyone deserves their 'best interest' to be first and foremost."

"That's not your call to make."

"Then who's going to make it?" She questioned, and he paused before answering:

"You're a woman of faith, you tell me," with his words lingering in the air, she left him. She walked back to the clearing and within moments, he did too.

The stone mountain had a pair of large doors. They were engraved with intricate patterns, a part of the mountainside.

The mountain itself was made of dark, black stone. It fit well into the scenery, and, simultaneously, stood out beautifully.

"Ready?" She asked the group, looking around. Her eyes lingered on Peter, then to Gamora.

Get the stone and you get your James.

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