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"Ah Liam, another one?", a voice directly behind me said.
His voice made me shiver and I could feel his ice cold breath on my ear.
I quickly turned and backed up a little to look at the 6 foot tall man in front of me.
"Hello darling", he said, the corner of his mouth lifting into a smirk.
I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and my body being tugged backwards. I let out a sharp breath to only realize it was only Liam. Thank god.
I was pushed behind him and my hands held onto the back of his fabric shirt while looking over his shoulder.
"Leave Morris", Liam growls.
I can tell Liam is tense. I mean, how wouldn't you? His jaw is clenched and his hands are balled up into fists.
"Liam, manners", Morris tsks.
Oh crap.. Stuff about to go down.
"I can do whatever I want!! So do no tell me to have manners! Did you have manners when you killed her?! Well go on! Did you?!", Liam shouts.
First of all, her? And second of all, I forgot he had anger issues.
"You shouldn't of hid her from me", Morris states simply.
Well that's it. Morris is dead.
At the speed of light, Liam was in front of him. Liam gripped the front of his shirt and got really close.
"I... I loved her... and you killed her", Liam says.
"Liam", I whispered.
He turns and looks at me and gives me the 'I'll tell you later maybe' face. He turns his attention back to Morris.
I make eye contact with Morris and he smirks.
"She is beautiful... looks a little like Beth.. don't you think?", Morris says.
Well, nice knowing you Morris... ha not.
Before I knew it, Liam's fist went flying to his stomach.
"I'm going to kill you and your buddies on the blood moon", Liam whispers darkly.
"Now go", Liam continues.
For the first time, Morris looked frightened. Morris nods and is gone in a flash.
"Lets... go inside", Liam tells me.
I nod and we both walk inside.

Here ya go people. Sorry for not updating faster. Tell me what you think.






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