Chapter One

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The sky was so clear, birds singing happy sound and almost every person was getting ready for work and daily activities like always and likely that happened to Lily Charles too. She was about to start a new life, a life she never lived before, a life with different kinds of men around her. She had attended a single sex school from her kindergarten to her advanced level education. It was time for her to join University and she had chosen University of Pretoria (the Centre for Human Rights) located in South Africa. The arrangements were ready and the day she was nervously and excitedly waiting for finally arrived.

Early Saturday morning, 2013 her family drove her to the airport, waited with her until her departure time then wished the best to her before leaving.
"Hey baby, you are going to start a new life now. How do u feel?" Her dad asked.
"An excited and scared at the same time dad. Am going to miss you all so much. Am leaving all of you behind." She said with a wobbling smile. Her mother was fighting her tears, her dad clenched his jaw not wanting her baby girl to leave but she had to. It was time for her to stand alone and find her place out there in the world. They had shielded her for a long time and she became a very shy and reserved person.
"I know baby but we love you so much and you can always visit and we will do the same. If you need anything, anything call any of us, me, your mom or brothers. Okay baby?" He said and asked, pushing her soft black hair behind her ears.
"Yes Papa. I love you all so much and I will call you everyday." She answered with a cute smile to all of them. Her mum hugged her tight, then looked at her lovingly.
"Honey we love you too, and we will always be here for you. Call us okay?we will visit a lot. Just can't believe my little girl is so grown up now." She said and kissed her nose. They all laughed, then her brothers pulled her for a tight hug.
"Don't cry kido, we love you so much babe. Tell us if u need anything." Her brother Richard said with a smile.
"I will miss u squirt, tell me if I need the shit out of any man who dares to look at my baby Sis." Carlos her other brother said lovingly and they all laughed. Her plane was finally called and she walked into the direction with a wave to her family. She was shown to her seat, settled and her eyes closed as the plane took off, thoughts of how things will be in South Africa when she arrived constantly in her mind.

Hours later the plane landed in Pretoria International Airport. After following all the procedures and being checked out she finally walked outside with a big smile on her face. The weather was beautiful. She walked to a cab and the driver smiled at her..
"Hello miss, are you looking for a Cab? I can take you where you want to go. You seem new around here." He said, a smile still on his face. She carefully observed him and returned the smile.
"Yes Mr, am in need of transport. I will be glad if you are of service." She answered.
"Gladly Miss, hop in." He told her and opened the door for her after putting her luggage's in a boot. She got in and settled on her seat and waited for the driver to get back in his driver position. "Where to Miss? Am Jurrad by the way." He said and gave her his first name.
"Gauteng, at the Capital. Thanks for telling me your name, mine is Lily." She answered with a small smile and the driver nodded then drove off. The ride was filled with small talk between them and before she knew it they arrived at her destination.
"We are here Miss Lily" he said and got out to open the door for her and help her with her things. She thanked him and watched as he drove off after paying him.

Few minutes later after confirming with the University Secretary she was directed to their rooms where she was happily received by her roommate, Carey Scoolfied who became her close friend then and there. After the formalities ams exchange of names and few words, Lily finally thanked her.
"Thanks so much for receiving me Carey. Am happy to be here and am happy that you are my roommate. Hope we will always be the best of friends." She said and Carey gave her a huge smile.
" you are welcome Missy. And you are welcome to Pretoria. I arrived a few days ago and I can tell ya the Uni is so cool and there are lots of exciting people.. Guys especially." She said and winked and they both laughed. After chatting for a while she called her parents, telling them about her arrival and hung up after a long conversation then she decided to bath after they ate with Carey, had a long shower and hit the bed. She was exhausted and excited for want the feature held in store for her. This was her first time to be far away from her parents and brothers without their near over protectiveness in all her 19 years of life. Well, its time for me to explore and fly on my own, she thought and with a smile she finally let herself sleep.

Early the following morning, she woke up, got ready and headed to the sitting room where her friend Carey was ready and had made breakfast for them. She looked up from her phone with a smile, " hey besty, morning. Excited to start yo new day?" She asked and Lily laughed at her enthusiasm.
" morning Carey, yeah am excited, nervous and all ready." She answered, they laughed again and talked as she had breakfast while Carey updated her on some news around the Campus. After finishing and getting their stuff they finally walked out of their room towards the administration block. As they passed and talked, greeted gazes were thrown their way. They were both beautiful but Lily was stunning with her soft skin, big round white eyes, a slim sexy body with long black hair and a very shy smile which intrigued people, especially the opposite sex. She was elegant and very attractive. She felt like going back to their room and hide. She had the urge to run from their prying eyes as the guys stared and whistled as they passed by them. When they finally walked into one of the Blocks she turned to an amused Carey..
"Do these guys always stare that way? She asked with an imaginary shudder which made her friend laugh.
" Come on Lil, people stare when they see something beautiful full. And you are stunning. So excuse the opposite babes for oggling at you." She replied which made Lily laugh.
"But you are beautiful Carey, they must be staring at you not me." She countered back playfully.
" oh I know I am..but I usually appreciate when something outshines me Missy and seriously you have everything I could kill for." She said with a wink. They laughed as they neared their destination.
"I'm really not used to people staring at me that way, it makes me uncomfortable." She told her friend.
" yeah Lil u told me that already but u just gotta get used to it. So, you going for your law classes?" Carey said and asked her just when they were standing few feet's from the Law class rooms.
" oh yeah Carey,.so see you later? I wish we were taking the same course. Will miss you."she answered and gave her a hug.
"Yeah but sorry but law isn't for me just like accounts isn't for you..see you later Lil. Text me when you are done and will do the same." She replied and after exchanging a few more words she walked to her classes after Carey walked to the other direction with a wave.
She stepped in, closed the door behind her and a few turned to look as she looked for a place to sit at the back. The lecture which had already started when she walked in continued for two hours before it was over. She was the first to step out as she walked a bit fast to avoid meeting up with so many people. As she was walking down the stairs, she heard a voice of a man stopping her and she froze on the last step of the stair for a bit before quickly continuing walking. He increased his speed and caught up with her then touched her arm as he stood in front of her..
" Excuse me miss, can I please have a minute with you?" He asked. And she gasped faintly. Slowly she looked up and stared at his face. My god he is handsome, very beautiful and manly she though and stared at him. His voice.. His voice was hoarse as if.....but before she could finish her thoughts the guy went closer to her and kissed her lightly then looked at her intently. She was dumbstruck, and started shaking. The man suddenly cleared his voice and touched her face gently..
"Am sorry I couldn't help my self. You just captivate bebê, and I couldn't help myself but kiss you. You are very beautiful." He said and she just ran away from him when he said that and continued staring.
"Shit.." He cursed as he watched her run towards the exit. Now you scared her Phellipe, she will think you are creep. He thought to himself decided to follow her outside!

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