ƈԋαρƚҽɾ 17

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Here's Chapter 17 :) Enjoyyy


"So Liam, you are here for the treatment, right?" Dr. Yellin started off, his eyes going from Liam to Zayn, offering the tan boy a small smile.

"Y-Yeah. I mean I just want to know about it. I am not exactly sure if I want to go with it" Liam replied, earning a gentle squeeze from Zayn's hand. Liam instantly relaxed and leaned in closer to Zayn, his heart threatening to leap right out of his body. 

He had never been this nervous before. 

"That's great! I am glad you finally agreed to do this. I know it's hard for you to do this but I assure you that I will do everything I can to give you your eyesight back" Dr. Yellin replied. He stood up and was now standing near Liam, patting his shoulder in a  comforting way. 

"Thank you" Liam breathed out, not knowing what else to say. 

"So what are you going to do?" Zayn asked, finally speaking up as he turned around in his chair and faced Dr. Yellin. 

"Well, Liam's blindness was caused by clouded lens and it is reversible. Which makes it all easy for us" Dr. Yellin said, his eyes scanning through Liam's hospital reports before he looked up straight at Zayn. 

"That's a good thing, right?" Zayn asked. He never got his head around science and biology was something he sucked at. He wouldn't even go anywhere near biology but he was trying to grasp this information and keep it in his head because it was for Liam. And he can definitely bare some biology for Liam. 

He could bare anything for Liam. 

"In a way yes because Liam's eyes lens were just clouded, we can replace them with synthetic lens. But it doesn't always work. There's seventy five percent chance of this operation actually working" Dr. Yellin explained giving Zayn a look of pity when the boy flinched. 

"And there isn't any other way?" Liam finally spoke up, his nerves picking up again and only slowing down when Zayn started rubbing his palm with the pad of his thumb. 

"This is the only way that will work for you" 

"Oh okay" Zayn tried to hold in his anger, he can't be angry right now not when Liam needed him to be his rock. But he was angry, so so so angry because he couldn't help Liam because he couldn't take away Liam's worries or his pain. 

"I will give you two a minute to talk it through. I will be outside" Dr Yellin gave the two in front a quick smile before he disappeared, leaving Zayn and Liam alone. 

"Baby, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. If this makes you feel uncomfortable or even nervous, you don't have to do i-"

"Zayn...I-I want to" Liam whispered interrupting Zayn, his hand clutching Zayn's tightly.

"If you don't want to then it's oka- Wait, you want  to?" Zayn asked as he leaned in closer to Liam, cupping his cheeks tightly but gently. 

"Yes, I think I can as long as I have you" Liam whispered. Sighing happily when he felt Zayn press his forehead against his own. "You will be here, right?"

"Always" Zayn said as he pressed his lips against Liam's. 


After talking a bit more with Mr. Yellin about the operation, they were finally done. Liam feeling a bit better than he did before. He knew a bit more about the treatment now and he had an exact month to prepare himself for it. 

And the only thing he actually need was Zayn. 

"So what shall we do now?" Zayn asked, once they both were in his car and he was pulling out of the parking lot, one of his hands attached to Liam's who was humming softly to the radio. 

"I don't know" Liam replied, his attention taken by the radio. Zayn couldn't help but smile fondly at the brown haired boy, his eyes twinkling as he mouthed the words to the song. 

Zayn found it impossible to believe that he was this much in love with Liam. 

But it was the best thing ever. 

"How about we go and grab some lunch and then I take you back to Louis because he has already started texting me, asking me what happened" Zayn said, chuckling. 

"I am positive that he has never heard of the word privacy" Liam muttered. 

"You got that right" Zayn murmured as he stopped outside subway, his hand squeezing Liam's and he pulled the boy closer, pecking his lips lovingly. 

Zayn turned around and was about to get out of the car when Liam's hand stopped him, slowly pulling him back in. 

"What is it, Li?" Zayn asked, worriedly. 

"N-Nothing. I just wanted to say thank you...for everything" Liam said, his cheeks flushing when he felt Zayn crowd him back against his seat. Liam's hands wandered off to Zayn's back to hold him in place as he felt the other boy place kisses up his neck. 

"Do you know why I am doing all this?" Zayn murmured against his skin. Liam shook his head not able to say anything. 

"Because I love you to death and back"


Okay so there you go. Hope that was okay. I don't know if it was or not...


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