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Seina's Pov:

I step out of the shower then make my way back into my room. When I walk in, I stop dead in my tracks.

"S-Saito! Wha-what are you doing in here?!" I yell in embarrassment while holding onto the towel harder. The male doesn't move as he continues staring at the ground, so I tilt my head in confusion.

"...Saito?" I ask hesitantly. He suddenly looks up, and I flinch. His eyes are...dull. They're usually full of laughter and mischief, but now...his eyes look almost....lifeless. I reach out to him, and he gently takes my hand in his. He brings my hand to his cheek and leans into my touch. Saito closes his eyes then let's out a long sigh. I sit beside him on the bed while holding the towel together with my other hand.

After minutes of comfortable silence, he finally breaks it by saying softly, "Seina, I need to tell you something."

My heart jumps up into my throat by the look in his bi-coloured eyes. Whatever this is about, it's important because he's serious.

"What is it Saito?" I ask softly.

"Get dressed first. I'll wait outside your door," he mutters.

I reply sofly, "okay. See you in a few."

He smiles gently at me then exits the room. I let out a soft sigh then walk over to the wardrobe. I look through it then pull out a light blue dress. It reaches my knees when I put it on, and the dress' sleeves reach halfway down my arms. I look at myself in the mirror then smile. My blonde hair is still damp, but it's straight and isn't soaking the dress. I look around for my black slip-ons, and when I find them, put them on.

I head towards the door, but stop midway. When I look over to what caught my attention, I spot my black chocker. I pick it up then study it.

Saito stuck this in my pocket yesterday before we parted ways in the training hall.

I put it on. When I run my index finger over it, I slowly feel my cheeks heat up. I start to wonder what he'll think of my outfit, but I push those thoughts aside and open the door.

After I close the door behind me, my gaze meets with Saito's. His gaze is soft and warm, and his sweet smile causes my heart to speed up.

"You look beautiful like always," he cooes.

My blush deepens as I struggle to keep eye contact with him, and I stutter a thank you. He takes my hand, and my heart jumps. He starts leading me down the hall by my hand as I grow impatient to know what he has to say.

~~Small time skip~~

Saito led me into a garden in the human world. All the beautiful flowers caught my attention immediately with all their colors and shapes. I'm awed by the sight and almost forget why we came here.

"Sei..." Saito whispers my nickname that he gave me, and my face flushes in response.

I ask nervously, "y-yes, Sa-Saito?"

He looks into my eyes then pushes my hair back behind my ear. My face seems to grow hotter, and I try my best to keep eye contact. Saito visibly gulps, so I start to grow worried.

"Seina, you might hate me after this, but....I have to tell you. It would...be unfair if I didn't."

I look deep into his eyes and ask, "Saito....I won't-I can't hate you. Just tell me. It isn't going to change anything between us."

He pauses for a long moment, probably contemplating whether he's going to tell me or not, before he finally starts. "I...Seina, I was ordered to play with your emotions. Saten told me to make you fall in love with me, so that I could get you to help us destroy heaven."

"Wh-what?" I whisper. My heart seems to have broken and tears fill my eyes.

He was...only using me...playing with my emotions...

"Seina I-"

"NO! JUST SHUT UP! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell while pulling at my hair.

Using me......he never...never cared..

"Seina wait!" Saito pleads and reaches out towards me, but I slap his hand away.

"NO! YOU LIED TO ME! DECEIVED ME! YOU-YOU PLAYED WITH ME! I-I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! JUST DROP DEAD, AND LEAVE ME ALONE! I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVER TRUSTED YOU! THAT I EVER LOVED YOU! THAT I EVER THOUGHT YOU MIGHT LOVE ME IN RETURN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. When I stop screaming, I gasp and pant, trying to catch my breath. My throat is now sore.

"Sei, I-I'm sorry. I had to, Saten ordered me to. Seina I do l-"

"Just just up! I HAte y-you!" I spat, but my voice cracks. I turn on my heel then run full speed away and out of the now seemingly grey garden.

I hate him! I hate him! I HATE him!

Tears fall even more because I know it's not true. I know that he succeeded....I fell in love with him.

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