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A/N: That last chapter though. Ah, comic relief chapters. My second favorite to write. x'D


I finished my breakfast in silence. The morning's event replayed in my mind. Mercifully, Toriel didn't say anything after the skeleton brothers left. She also didn't object when I told her I was going for a drive to clear my head. I was a bit confused.

"You're okay with that?" I signed. "Usually you put up a fight and tell me to go do my schoolwork."

Toriel gave me a sad smile.

"My child... You're growing up. I need to let you do that."

With that, she left the room. I stood there for a few moments, trying to process what just happened. Where did over protective goat mother go?! I thought, bewildered.

"Never mind that. The whole purpose of telling her we were going out was to find Asriel."

Right, you're right. Let's go. But the little scene still nagged at the back of my mind. I shook my head dismissively. I needed to focus. I grabbed my car keys as I headed out of the house. Shutting the door behind me, I made sure to lock it. I walked over to the car and got in.

"Do you have an idea of where he might be?" I could hear the anxiousness in Chara's voice. It matched my own.Don't worry, I thought. He's probably where I last saw him. At the beginning...

The memory came rushing back at me. I could suddenly feel the warmth of his fur from when he hugged me. I remembered the defeated look on his face before he turned away to stare at the patch of golden flowers I had fallen on at the beginning of my journey. I felt my throat tighten. I hadn't wanted to leave him there. But he refused to come with me. I couldn't save him. I-

"You'll be saving him now," Chara cut off my thoughts. I smiled weakly. "However, if we don't get on the road, we won't reach Mt. Ebott until nightfall. Let's roll, partner."

It's not that far, I thought as I put the key in the ignition. As I was doing so, I hummed "Roll, roll, cookie roll!" inside my head.

"You did not..."

I so did. I grinned and pulled out of the drive way. For the rest of the trip, I hummed all the different jingles I had picked up, much to Chara's dismay.

"Why must you torture me?"

Because I love you!

"If you loved me you would stop."


This continued on back and forth until I had run out of jingles. Shortly after, the mountain came into view. The jovial mood dissipated within seconds. I had wondered why most of the monsters stayed rather close to Mt. Ebott. It was their prison. You would've thought they would want to move as far away as possible.

"For a long time it was also their home."

"True..." My gaze darkened as I pulled into the parking lot of the mountain trail. The sun had barely begun its descent down the sky. After stepping out of the car, I took a deep breath. I never imagined I would be walking this path ever again. I continued to the entrance of the trail, taking in the scenery around me.

Suddenly, my surroundings changed. My vision was now filled with varieties of beige and brown, the images slightly blurred. I felt my body still moving, but the steps seemed smaller. Now that I thought about it, everything was taller than me. I stepped on a pile of dry leaves. The season had changed too. Instead of early summer, it was now early fall. Right before all the plant life starts to fade away. I kept on going forward. My body suddenly aching, feeling covered in scratches and bruises.

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