I want to kiss you by @kristimcm

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Canada to kristimcm. That is where our journey takes us this time. What can one say about this girl? I mean where do I even begin? RN, photographer, artist, author, 1DAF that is what her profile reveals about her. It also reveals that she is a bloody writing machine, too. I haven't met a more dedicated writer here on wattpad. Now she has a reason to be so with more than 5K followers and 19 published stories but her dedication was also evident back in the day when her stories got just a few reads until she was discovered and boy was she discovered! Her Afterlife trilogy is one of my favourites here on wattpad and one that could easily be made into a film no doubt. She is simply incredible and she writes like her life depends on it. Generous and sweet with other writers she gives them the spotlight with her FANGIRLISH articles but she doesn't neglect the readers one bit. I would need a whole day to write down her accomplishments regarding writing alone so just go follow her and read her impressive profile along with her work which caters everyone's taste. Kristi baby you Rock!

His adorable and crazy laugh rang through our living room, echoing off the walls

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His adorable and crazy laugh rang through our living room, echoing off the walls. It was the laugh he only did when truly comfortable. When he felt safe, and secure, away from the prying eyes that always followed him whenever we left. It was the laugh that I knew he reserved for me, and me alone.

Of course, the sound made me laugh more than the movie we were watching on TV. To be honest, I didn't even find the movie all that funny, but Harry had been cackling maniacally since it started.

I twisted my head awkwardly to look up at him. Laying in his arms, my back to his chest, I was completely comfortable and sated. Peering up at him, his smile wide, the dimples in his cheeks popping, he was completely adorable. Again, he laughed, and I couldn't help but giggle at him.

Looking down at me, he narrowed his eyes playfully.

"Are you laughing at me, or the movie?" he asked, giving my side a gentle pinch.

Of course, I responded with a noncommittal shrug, turning my attention back to the screen. This only urged him on, causing his fingers to dig into my sides. I pulled away, giggling while scolding him with choice profanities, reaching to pull his hands away. It didn't work, of course. If anything, he only held me closer.

This had been our back and forth for most of the evening. It was one of those rare days where we could actually be together without interruption. No calls, no studio time, no auditions for films. We hardly ever got time like this with each other, but for some reason today Harry was adamant. When he suggested a whole weekend together of nothing but movies, walks and general 'coupledom' as he called it, I had to admit I was skeptical. He had made these suggestions before, and each time, life got in the way. Or at least, his life. The life of parties, and cameras and celebrity. I didn't grudge him any of it, because I knew what I was signing on for three years ago when I finally agreed to go out with him. He had pursued me for weeks, but I swore to myself never to get involved with someone in the spotlight. I knew how they ended...I read the tabloids.

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