All I want for Christmas by @ccalianese

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23 // WRITER

That is how she describes herself and I adore her for it. She is determined, dedicated and hard-working. She is incredibly talented and sweet and she is respected on the platform not only by people her own age but also by people of mine lol.

Cathrine is a lovely, romantic person who wants to be a published writer one day or a screenwriter, whatever comes first, and I am more than positive that she will achieve her goals. I have read her book "Intent" a few months back which is amazing but it was her book "Irresistible" that won me over. She is still growing as a writer and in a very chapter you can witness her growth but what draws you in is her freshness and spontaneity. A polite soul who fills the atmosphere with ambition and enthusiasm is one of us, so please go follow her this beautiful New Yorker, add her books to your library and read, read, read. Put on your scarf and mittens once again as I hear New York is quite cold this time of the year. Merry Christmas every one. Cathrine, You are simply awesome!

"And this is my baby girl, Poppy," I hear Harry proudly introduce our daughter to Adam

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"And this is my baby girl, Poppy," I hear Harry proudly introduce our daughter to Adam.

Silly really, Adam has met her before but sometimes Harry gets into one of his wonderful little "daddy dazes" as I call them. I'll catch him holding our new bundle of joy and it's like the world around them falls away and it's just the two of them. One look into those big eyes of hers and he's completely gone to the rest of the world... even me sometimes.

Harry never passes up an opportunity to spoil her or show her off and the best part of it is that she's so mellow that little Poppy just sits back and looks blankly and lets him do what he likes.

Of course, she's only a few months old so Poppy doesn't know he's acting all adorable to me and potentially embarrassing to her. I utterly adore this kind of behavior but from a teenage Poppy perspective, who knows...we'll just have to see in later years.

"She's beautiful ,man," Adam responds reaching down and giving her tummy a little tickle. "You two did good."

Harry is absolutely beaming as he gazes down at our girl and then over to me, my heart skipping a few beats when he does.

That's one thing that has never changed, one look from him from across the room and my whole body turns to goo.

"Had very little to do with it," he counters, keeping his eyes on me. "It was all her mum."

How is it that after all these years, all the things we've been through, and everything we've endured, Harry can still make me feel like that timid, bashful, and almost clueless girl I was when we met.

It's magical.

As Adam pulls Harry's attention once again, I return to the task at hand... checking in with Anne. Not surprisingly though her son distracted me and mark my words it's definitely not the first time and certainly won't be the last.

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