Episode 2!

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Kat: Welcome back everyone! On today's show of '101 Things Not To Do in a Dangansquad Environment' we have Lyric playing her viola! What ever could go wrong?

Lyric: *violing* *doing a live recording for an interview*

Hikaru: Kani no-

Kat: It appears Hikaru is in trouble!

Hikaru: *runs into music room and knocks over music stand onto Lyric, causing her to fall*

Lyric: *shriek*

Kat: That doesn't look too good! Oh no!

Hikaru: Oh shite...

Lyric: ...Did you just? *slowly stands up* Ma cherie.

Hikaru: *casually scooting away*

Kat: You must be wondering why Lyrii over here is so mad!

*the camera turns to where Kat is pointing*

Kat: Oh look! Hikaru broke Lyric's viola.

Kani: *slowly backing away*

Lyric: *lunges at the camera*

Kat: We are currently having ...nical diff.....ies! That's all for this time! Moral of today's story is don't touch Lyric's instruments!

101 Things Not To Do In A Dangansquad EnvironmentWhere stories live. Discover now