Episode 4!

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Kaden: mm? Are we live?

Camera guy: *nods*

Kaden: oh- Welcome! I'm your host Kaden Thompson and on this episode of 101 things not to do in a dangansquad environment issss...Dissing on someone in the sqaud.

Random guy: Oh my god Rex s u c k s all he does is spin a gun around and acts like he doesn't care!

Rex: *shrug*

Kaden: * spins then highkicks random guy in face* that. Is a nono. We do not let people give each other crap. Good day.

Rex: I literally didn't care though-

Kaden: too bad. *bows to camera* Bye!

101 Things Not To Do In A Dangansquad EnvironmentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang