Episode 3

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Kat: Hey guys! Welcome back to today's episode of 101 Things Not To Do In A Dangansquad Scenario! And today we ha--

Isaac: *Walks up to Kat* Hey Kat, how's it goin'?

Kat: Oh, I'm good. How about y--

Random jerk: *Runs up to Kat* HEY KAT, GUESS WHAT?!

Kat: Oh? What's going on?

Random jerk: *Kicks Kat* WIMP!

Isaac: *Cracks knuckles* The fuck did you just say?

Random jerk: W-woah man, no need to-- WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU DO-- ARGH!

Isaac: *Punching jerk* YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!

[The following has been removed for multiple reasons that we will not explain]

Kat: And, uh... Ooh, that must have hurt... Oh yeah, the moral is, never mess with me when Isaac is near!

101 Things Not To Do In A Dangansquad EnvironmentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang