Wedding Day

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Y/D/N= Your daughter name;                                                                                                                                      Your Son is getting Married;

You can't believe it. Your son is getting married. Where did the times go?

The girl he is marrying is super sweet and nice. You and Joe both really like her. The perfect bride for your son.

Your son looks so handsome in his tux. You and Joe are so happy and proud of him.

Your Daughter is getting Married; Joe's POV;

Y/D/N is getting married. It is so hard to believe. The guy she is marrying is a good guy. I didn't like him at first but, he grew on me. Plus he makes Y/D/N happy, so I'm happy.

It was very hard to let go of her and hand her over to him. I didn't want to let go. 

I'm going to admit, I did cry a little. My little girl is all  grown up.

Y/n and I are very happy.

________________________________________________________________________________Hey Guys! So sorry it's short and crappie. I just started school. Because of that, updates might take a little longer. But, I will try my best. 

Question: Did you start school? Or when are you going to start school?

Please Vote, Comment, and Share.

Love ya,


Joe Sugg ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now