Chapter 3

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Sometimes the people you love the most are the people who can do the most damage.

Arias POV

"I didn't want to get up either. I'll see you in about 2 hours princess" He says walking to the window and leaving.

2 hours? Whats in two hours? i think to myself.

"Oh Justin and Cameron are going to the mall!" I say out loud.

"And what about me and him going to the mall?" My brother says walking in with my sister next to him.

"Soletssaythatjustincametovisitmeatlike5thismorningandtoldmehewassignedtoIslandRecordsandaccidentallyspentthenightcouldwehaveapartyforhim?I say fast because I'm scared to tell them.

"What did you just say? Slow down and tell us" My brother said laughing.

"Soo lets say that Justin came to visit me at like 5 this morning and told me he was signed to Island Records and accidentally spent the night.. Could we have a party for him?" I say in one breath.

"He spent the night, in your bed? Did he touch you? Did you guys have sex? Please tell me you didn't!" Cameron says flipping out.

"He spent the night? Why would he do that? He doesn't like you.." My sister said laughing. Anything to put me down, i swear she's jealous.

"Nooo Cameron we didn't have sex, and we kinda cuddled but don't say anything to him both of you. But could we have a party for him?" I ask.

"Sure, you're doing most of the work." Cameron says patting me on the head. 

My sister just gives me a dirty look and walks away. Me and Bailey aren't the best of friends, we don't really get along that well because she's jealous.

~Later at the party~

Most people are downstairs already and I'm just getting ready now, because my brother and sister made me do all the work. I decorated downstairs with "Congrats" banners and microphones center pieces, and other little things. Theres food my mom cooked and a cake i bought at the store.

I jump in the shower and quickly wash my hair. When I get out I brush my teeth and blow dry my hair. I put my bra and underwear on and go to my closet. I look for a dress to wear, i need to look good because Justin's parents are here and a lot of people from school. I pick out a red kind of fitted short dress. I curl my hair and apply my normal make up which is foundation contour and highlight and a little eye shadow. I put skin color lipstick on, perfume, slip on my white sandals and walk down stairs.

I walk downstairs to see close to 30 people in this kitchen and living room. I walk over to my brother and just smile at him. I really love my brother, when no one else is there for me he is, He smiles and hugs me. Thats his way of saying your welcome and he loves me back. We don't say it to each other cause we won't admit it, so we do that. I walk over to my sister and she's wearing a tight white dress with a open back and over the top makeup,

"You look pretty, but its just a congrats party." I say smiling.

"You look pretty to, you could of dressed better but we'll let Justin decide who looks better." She says and walks away. I let it roll off my back because who does he call babe and princess? Not her.

I hear my mom say he's coming and his parents stand in front of the door with keys to a black Camaro. Thats his congratulations gift, he's a very lucky child.

He opens the door and everyone yells "surprise!" at first he's confused and then he sees me standing there smiling. He takes the keys from his mom and dad and thanks them. He goes up to everyone and tells them thank you. He lastly comes up to me and my siblings.

"You're amazing Aria, you know that?" he says hugging me.

He goes up to Cameron and does the bro hug and holds up his new keys in his face as a joke which leads to them play fighting each other. He goes up to Bailey and thanks her. She hugs him and walks away. I look at him to see what he does, he looks her up and down and then looks at me.

"You look amazing right now." Justin says

"Thank you cutie." I say patting him on the head and walking away to get food.

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