1 - Exchanging Cups of Sake

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Erina's POV

I jumped around the trees of a forest. I landed on each branch without a noise. I was about to get to the heart of the forest when I head a noise. No, more like a voice. No, more like three voices."

"Did you know? If we exchange cups of sake, we can become brothers!" The first voice said.

A second voice kicked in. "Really?!"

"How about... her?" A third voice questioned.

"Her?" Repeated the second voice.

"Oh... Well... I don't think she even knows that we know." The first voice pointed out.

What am I doing? I should be eavesdropping! Then again, it is those three...

"Hey!" The first voice shouted.

Who is he shouting to now?

"Hey you!"

I blinked. "Hey me?"

"Yeah you! Come here! Why do you always look at us?!"


I hopped down from the tree I was sitting on and looked the three people standing before me.

The first guy was like two inches taller than me and had black hair. He had freckles on his cheeks and looked pretty mad. The second guy looked a few years younger. He also had black hair but it was a bit messier. A scar ran across the bottom of his left eye. The third guy was also about two inches taller than me. He had puffy blonde hair and was wearing more formally than the other two kids. He had a missing tooth and grinned widely.

They look so much more detailed up close...


"What?" I said blankly.

"You were spacing out! Who are you and why are you stalking us?!"

This damn freckled idiot.

"Don't you think its rude to ask for someone's name and not say your own first?" I pointed out.


"I'll do it," the third guy said. "I'm Sabo and this kid is Luffy. That idiot you were arguing with is Ace."


"Well, I mean y-"

"Never mind it's fine."

I noticed from the side of my eye that Ace was twitching his eye. I gazed at him.


I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I find it amusing how you all argue with each other. Besides, I only come every few days."

"Whatever," Ace snorted.

"By the way, weren't you guys about to exchange cups of sake and becomes brothers?" I questioned.

"See, stalker." I head Ace mutter under his breath.

"Yeah about that," Sabo looked at me sheepishly, almost, nervous?

"WE WANT YOU TO DO IT WITH US!!!!" Luffy shouted.


"What? But it was your idea."

"Sh-shut up Luffy!" Ace yelled as he hit Luffy in the head.

I sighed in disbelief; this is what I watch on my spare time? This is what I call entertainment?

"Stop you too!" Sabo proclaimed. "So, uh..."


"Right. So, Erina-chan, do you accept?"

"Sure," I shrugged.

Ace took four red cups and put sake on them. Apparently he stole it from this brat woman named Dadan. We exchanged it and drank the sake. All three of the boys smiled, even Ace. I let loose a tiny grin. I'm not really one for emotions.

Time Skip Later in the Day
Brought to you by Ace's Freckles

"So," Sabo said as we sat around a fire. We had just hunted a giant alligator. "tell us a bit about yourself."

"Well..." I started. "My name is Kirani D. Erina. I am 9 years old and I live alone, ever since I was three. I taught myself everything, how to read, write, fight, you know the usual. I only know a tiny memory of my dad."

"Oooooh~" Luffy chanted.

"Yeah..." I muttered.

"Ok, time for our speech!" Sabo yelled. "I'm Sabo..."


So, did you like it? Sorry, this is my first fanfiction so bear with me :| Anyway thanks for reading this chapter!!! In the future chapters I will be revealing things about her past, powers, and her crush (^_^) Who do you think it is?!


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