chapter three

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"Figure what out?" Lydia asked, putting her tray down next to Scott, while Olivia sat next to Stiles. Apparently Allison convinced Lydia to sit at Scott's table today, so that's what they were doing. Stiles looked over at Olivia with wide eyes, in return she gave him a smile that he almost drooled over.

"Uh, just homework." Scott replied to her.

After Olivia took out her phone zoning out, Stiles asked Scott, "Why are they sitting with us?" Scott just shrugged his shoulders. As he looked to his right he saw Allison approaching and immediately put the bag occupying the seat next to him to the floor, allowing Allison to take it.

As Olivia looked up from her phone Stiles made an odd noise nodding his head at her, which she didn't pay attention to, then did the same to Danny causing him to roll his eyes.

Jackson approached the head of the table and demand the boy sitting in the chair to get up. "Why don't you ask Danny to get up?"

"Because i don't stare at his girlfriend's and not to mention, best friend's coin slot" he said glancing at Olivia. Once she realized that part was directed towards her, looked down to see little cleavage showing and adjusted her sweater so that it was covered, feeling self conscious. This caused stiles to scoot his chair over towards her side a little more, a feeling over protectiveness rolling over him.

Changing the subject Danny said, "So I hear they're saying it's some sort of animal attack. Probably a cougar."

"I heard mountain lion." Jackson said

"A cougar is a mountain lion." Olivia said, causing Lydia to glare at her. Rolling hr eyes she added, "Isn't it?"

Lydia and Olivia were incredibly smart, but Lydia thought it was better for their reputation to act  like they aren't. Olivia had no idea why though, all she knew was that she was better off doing what Lydia said.

The last part made Stiles frown, he knew how smart Olivia was and he hated that she covered it up. From what he could see she did it because of Lydia but he was never sure.

"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyways."

Olivia mentally cringed at his sentence then mumbles, "That's a little harsh."

"Actually, i just found out who it is." Stiles said looking at his phone.

He played a video and turned so that people at the table could see, however Olivia couldn't from her angle. So, she put her hands on Stiles' shoulder for balance and leaned forward so she could see, causing Stiles' breathe to hitch. He looked down at her hands and trie his hardest to get a good look at her left wrist. Right as he was about to get a good look the video ended causing Scott to say, "Wait I-I-I know this guy." Olivia took her hands of his shoulder and returned to her normal position and Stiles sighed. He almost got to get a look.

"You do?" Allison asked

"Ya. When I used to take the bus back when I was living with my dad. He was the driver."

"Can we talk about something more fun please?" Lydia asked, bored

"Like- Oh! Where we're going tomorrow night."

This caused Allison to look up and see Lydia already looking at her. "you said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night right?"

"We were thinking of what we were going to do."

"Well, I'm not sitting at home all night watching lacrosse videos, so if the six of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun."

Olivia choked on her water, "Six? What do you mean six?"

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