First Day of School

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Why.... Why!
"Misika get up." I hear my a voice i know much too well say beyond my blanket.

"No." I reply, staying where I am to avoid leaving the heaven I was currently in. I want going to willingly leave because my brother said so.

"If you don't you'll get no breakfast. I won't hesitate to eat it all."

"You know very well that that's not gonna happen dumb ass."

"Whatever, now get up or we're gonna be late for our first day of classes wolf." He says as he yanks off the blanket.

"No way in hell. There's nothing you can say to convince me to put on that disgusting thing they call a dress!" I yell. I hated dresses with a fiery passion. 

After my response, he sighed.
"Alright how about you wear your regular clothes for the now? I'll- see if I can find a way to convince the school to let you wear them for the rest of the school year."

I stayed in my bed for a moment, thinking about if it was really worth going out of bed to go to class, but soon got out and changed into my favorite outfit. A sleeveless black shirt with a crescent moon design, black leggings, gray converse, and a silver necklace of a howling wolf pup in front of the moon. If it wasn't obvious enough, I enjoy the night and anything related to it. I shoved the necklace. around my neck underneath my shirt and quickly left my room, hurrying to eat.

As soon as I finish my meal, I head off to do one more thing before returning and yelling out for my brother. "Hurry up cow or we're gonna be late!" I hear him mumble something under his breath, wondering what it was until the question left my thought as I saw him pop into the room.

Once he came out of his room, I burst laughing because what I saw was truly a thing a beauty. I swear I could due from lack of air at this point.
"Wha- what is that!? MY GOD- YOU- YOU LOOK HILARIOUS!"

Hatsuharu was in a weird blue suit or something, which I guessed was the guy uniform for school!

Wait a minute... I immediately took out my phone and took a picture of the sight. I can use it as blackmail in the future. I slowly stopped laughing, looking at my brother as I finally asked,"Ready to go to a new hell?"

He stared at me for a second before taking off his jacket and throwing it in my direction, hitting my face in the process. When I removed it, about to ask why the hell he did that he gave a response,"I don't think it'll be fine with the teachers to walk around school with no sleeves so wear that for now."


"That's bullshit."

Cow and I made our way to school, me riding a skateboard while Cow was right next to me, trying to do his best to not to rip his clothes- now just a button up white shirt and the bluish pants to shreds.

"So... what's the school called again?" I questioned, since I wasn't listening to him the day before when he was telling me all about the damn school Akito put us in.
I was actually suppose to go to this school alone since he thought it was an all girls private school but apparently he read it wrong. So somehow my brother Hatsuharu, a.k.a Cow or Haru, got involved and is now going to this fancy school with me. I mean yeah we're rich but we used to go to regular public schools so I don't know what to expect.

"Really wolf? Its called Ouran High School or something along those lines... I think it should be around that corner." He pointed to a corner to the right, where I saw the end of a.... limo poking out?

"Probably because I think I see a limo?" As we turn the corner I see the most horrific sight I will ever set my eyes upon in my life.

Girls wearing those ugly yellow dresses everywhere, boys wearing blue suits also everywhere, and worst of all, school entirely pink. I felt a few people staring our way but I shrugged it off. I just stayed on my skateboard and after a minute of staring- "NOPE."

I tried to ride away but Haru grabbed my shirt from the back. "LET ME GO COW! THERE'S NO WAY I'M GOING INTO A SCHOOL THAT HAS THAT MUCH PINK!!" I yelled, not caring that I was making a scene.

"Wolf.' I stopped and looked up at him 'Shut up before I take your skateboard away." I gasped. He knew my skateboard was the thing I loved most (that wasn't alive).

"Ok... but I know I'm gonna hate it here.." I replied, taking his hand of my shirt and grabbing my skateboard.

As we walked inside the gates we heard whispers saying,"Wow he's cute" or "Are they knew? I wonder if she has a boyfriend." As we neared the doors, Haru whispered,"Remember, try not to get hugged or you know what happens to us when that happens.
" I gave him a 'no dur' face since I knew that ever since I was small. I was one of the ones cursed with the zodiac curse in our family. Same with my brother since he was the cow or ox. I was actually the year of the dog, but somehow when I transform I become a wolf instead and I was able to control the transformation BARELY if I concentrated hard enough.

"Lets just head to class 1-A and get home a.s.a.p." I tell him as we walk in and walk through the halls.

"Excuse me, you must be the two extraordinary new students everyone has been talking about." I hear a voice say behind us.

We turn around to see that it was a tall blonde boy with purple eyes that said that with a rose in his hand. Behind him were six boys behind him. I smelled something of about the short brown haired boy but shrugged it off.

"Maybe we are, maybe we ain't. Why are you asking?" I say rudely, earning a small smile from my brother and for some reason a smirk from the boy with glasses.

"Well my princess-" I snarled when he called me princess, earning a surprised look from everyone except Cow, he just held his regular expressionless face.

"Don't call me that shit ever again blondie." I had a bad memory about someone who used to call me that. As I said that, he went into a corner to sulk or something.

Suddenly two boys with orange hair popped up and said,"We heard that your twins. Is that true?" They said with a devilish smile.

"Why you guys asking?" I said eyeing them carefully.

"Just because." They replied.

"Yeah we are." Haru replied for me, receiving a evil smile from them and all they said was ok.

Suddenly a boy that looked an awful lot like Momiji popped up and asked,"Why have white hair umm-"


"Oh! Misika-chan? And is it dyed?" He asked.

"Just do. And no it's not dyed it natural."

Then the boy with glasses came up and asked, "We also heard that you kept calling each other Cow and Wolf. Why is that?" As he said that as he closed a notebook in his hands.

"They're just.... family nicknames.." I say as I look down at the floor. Haru noticed how how I was looking at the floor and said,"Well, it's time to go Misika, we have to find class 1-A."

As soon as he said that the twins popped up behind us and said,"Hey Haruhi and us have the same class as you guys! We'll take you!"

"Dammit." Me and Haru say together.

We started to walk away to escape them and talk, only to be stopped by the tiny blonde boy yelling,"Misika-chan! Haru-chan! Wait up!"

I whip my head around to see him coming to hug me and on instinct, my foot went up to kick him away from me like he was a soccer ball, making him collide with his tall quiet friend. Everyone looked at me with pure shock and I saw him stay on the floor with dizzy eyes.

"Sorry but I don't like hugs." I say as we turn around and continue to walk. All I heard was whispers asking,"Was Honey.. just defeated?! Is that even possible!" from many people that we passed.

"That was close Wolf." was all Haru said. "I know.. I told you I was gonna hate it here. Now let's find and get to our class"

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