What Just Happened?

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So much fucking walking...
 "So... where are we going Dragon?" I asked as I followed him to who knows where with Rabbit on my back, eating some shrimp flavored chips along the way.
"Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru Honda's school is having a small event, which of course Momiji wants to go to. We're going there." He replied as we continued walking.
"Alright so we're going to the school I was supposed to go to and there's some party going on. That's nice and all but why are you drag me along? I thought you didn't like me Seahorse."  I start as I smack Rabbit's hand away from my chips as Dragon mutters a few words under his breath.
"I brought your ignorant self along because I have a hunch something will happen once again." He replied to me.
"Something will happen? Wait. DO YOU THINK RAT WILL WEAR A DRESS AGAIN?! THAT PICTURE YOU SHOWED ME WAS HILARIOUS!" I asked, starting to laugh at the memory of the picture Dragon took from the last time he and Rabbit went to their school. I continued to laugh until I stopped as I smelled something familiar while hearing a random noise near us, like if someone was being held dow-
As soon as that was yelled out there was a series of shushes that followed and a smacking type sound. I looked around to see no one in sight and shrugged. There was a silence as I walked to check a few plants near us to double check, only to be interrupted by a snEAKY LITTLE RABBIT GOING TOWARDS MY CHIPS. I slapped his hand away and yelled,"GET YOUR OWN DAMN CHIPS RABBIT! THESE ARE MINE."
He immediately started to whine to Dragon, hand trying to reach the chips which were at the end of my now outstretched arm. "Wahhh! Haturi, Misika's being mean! She doesn't want to share her chips with me!"
Dragon just sighed and turned around to see us quite a far distance from him. "Misika just share your food with Momiji and quicken your pace or you'll both be left behind."
"Alright, BUT THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL THAT HE'S GETTING MAH CHIPS!" I yelled, mystery voice long forgotten, as I ran up to him as he just put his hand to his head and grumbled.

*3rd Person P.O.V*
As the three Sohmas walked away, two identical heads popped out of the bush the 'Wolf' of the Sohma family was about to investigate before being conveniently interrupted. Their eyes darted around until finally nodding to each other.
"Cost is clear, they're gone.-"
"-You can let go of Tamaki now." As soon as the French boy was freed he immediately stood up and pointed accusing at the twins with 'dramatic' tears in his eyes, yelling,"Why did you do that! It wasn't necessary to slap my mouth shut, that hurt!"
"Sorry Tama-chan but you would have ruined all of our sneaking around." Honey replied, looking up at Tamaki with a smile.
"Hiding needs silence." Mori replied, sitting on the ground behind the crying host. As Tamaki finished  his little fit, the female host club member spoke up,"I don't get it, why are we following her in the first place?"
"We are following her for the mission. To see if we can find more information on her for the mission Tamaki put in action." Kyoya answered, pushing his glasses up his nose.
"Oh, I actually I forgot about that. Why do we need more information on her anyway?" Haruhi asked as the twins were deep in thought as well.
Why were they all doing this?
"To become greater friends with them, and of course to personally for me, gain information that no one else has on the members of the Sohmas. Well, besides the girl from last time that is." Kyoya answered, flipping through his notebook to the page where it mentioned the mission, looking down at it with distaste. Even though he was doing this for personal gain, a new *cough* friendship, and possibly a new family to help his father's business, something felt slightly ajar. It felt like they were sticking their noses into something that they definitely shouldn't be, and that's when he remembered...
"Why... I don't want to be... monster... I sorry... please... don't leave... only friend...  I didn't ask... to be part of... curse..."
Maybe it's what the girl said in her sleep that was making the Ootori boy uneasy, but he just didn't know.

He didn't know what trouble he and the rest of the host club were getting into by interfering with this girls life, for the fate of the club was sealed the moment they met the girl. Especially since they wanted to become her friend, they wouldn't be able to keep her. Not in body, not in soul, not even in memory.

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