Chapter 30 That's no way of negotiating

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Chapter 30

I left at the same time as Eleanor, Harry let me go without saying a word and I ran upstairs as quietly as I could, as soon as I got to Harry’s room I crashed on the bed staring at ceiling.

Louis broke up with Eleanor.

Where did that leave me? Did I want Louis?... What kind of silly question was that.. of course I do, Will getting it on with him be a bad idea? Clearly it was. I sighed in frustration, I normally would just go for a run until I could clear my head up but seeing as the boys didn’t even let me leave their sight going for a run was not an option….

What the hell?! How could I be considering having a relationship with Louis? This was insane… they call it Stockholm syndrome loony.   This would only make everything even more complicated than what it was already, but would it really be that bad? I wanted Louis as I never wanted anyone, of course I had a few crushes before but that’s what they all were crushes…

But if Louis wasn’t just a crush then… what was him?

Harry POV

Alex gasped and let go off my hand, I thought about stopping her but I quickly shake off that idea, she needed some time alone but Louis… Louis needed me, not knowing what I was getting myself into I made my way to Lou.

He was sitting near the pool, his arms were tracing figures in the water while his eyes wondered around, he frowned when he saw me but didn’t say anything, I sat quietly next to him waiting until he was ready to talk.

“Was I… was what I did wrong?” He finally asked me.

“Dating Eleanor when you didn’t love her? Yes. Breaking up with her? Not so much, despite her bitchness I think she loved you Lou” I said softly, Louis passed his fingers through his hair as he always did when he was frustrated with something or someone, in this case himself.

“I messed up” He sighed

“Hey” I said patting his shoulder “That’s ok, you are not evil Lou, you didn’t mean to hurt anyone”

“And how stupid of me was that?!”He said, his voice getting louder

“Management was pressuring me on getting a girlfriend, I was so sick of them that I did, I did it without thinking about Eleanor, I’m such a selfish prick.” I didn’t like Louis being so hard on himself, but I let him go on for minutes before I got sick of it, I pushed Louis to the pool, he screamed as soon as he felt the cold freezing water.

 “What was that for!?”

“For acting like a pussy” I said, and Louis rolled his eyes before laughing.

“What do I do now?”

“I don’t know Louis, whatever you feel like doing… just don’t screw it all up again”  I said shaking my head.

“Harry!” He called as I walked away


“Bring me a towel!”

“Go get it yourself!” I called back, I was probably going to pay for that but pushing him into the water had been too damn funny for me to care.

I opened my bedroom door to find an asleep Alex, on the bed, she was so cute, the “little sister” kinda cute, and what are little sisters for? Teasing, of course, I  took a black marker from the desk and draw a thick line between her eyebrows, she blinked and opened her eyes so quick that I barely had time to throw the marker under the bed.


“Yes love?”

“What time is it?” She asked rubbing her eyes and frowning.

“It’s 5 o’clock” She left the bed and walked in the bathroom… uhm this seems like a good time to leave.

“HARRY STYLES!”  Alex called

I better hurry.

Alex POV

I squeeze some toothpaste on my toothbrush when I caught a glance of my reflection, was that a unibrow? Oh my… Harry Styles was so death, I went back to the room to find him missing, of course he was! that little rat”

I screamed his name and ran downstairs looking for him, Liam and Niall were sitting at the living room watching tv when they looked at me frowning.

“If you are looking for Harry he’s at the garden” Niall said pointing the way Harry left.


I opened the door and then crashed into someone.

Someone’s chest

Someone’s very hard, wet chest.

I felt my cheeks blushing as I stared at Louis, he was without a shirt on and trying to dry himself up, why was he wet? Who would get in the pool when it’s so bloody cold outside…

“Are you Ok?” I asked finally looking up to his eyes, he had that “I know you were looking” smile “You are shaking”

“And you went a little over with your makeup” He teased

“Ohh you know, sharpie brows are the thing right now, but seriously you are going to get a cold” I said eyed him carefully, this was one of our first not fighting-no flirting conversations.

“Well if you are that concerned maybe you would like to warm me up then?” He flirted, here goes nothing I thought rolling my eyes and pushing him out of the way.

“Never in your wildest dreams “I said rolling my eyes at him, he held my arm making me stop

“Alex?” He asked, and I turned around which was a big mistake, using the motion of the moment Louis threw me on his shoulder, my head was down his –naked- back and my feet were resting on his chest, what was this all about? Slowly the floor was grass and we were getting pretty close to the pool.

“Don’t!” I screamed trying to get out of his grasp “Put me down you asshole!”

“Now, now love” He chuckled “That’s no way of negotiating”

“There’s no negotiation going on here,”

“I’ll put you down if you go on a date with me, no trying to escape, no making scenes on public”  I considered it for a second, the water was going to be really cold and… NO. I wasn’t going to be his rebound.

“No way”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll look just lovely with your white shirt all wet and glued to your body”

“You are to perverted to be in a bubbly pop boy band” I complained

“Time’s running” He warned, getting closer to the pool, but he wasn’t actually going to throw me in, he wouldn’t.

“My answer is still no” I said through gritted teeth

He jumped in.


My exams are finally over :)

Thanks for everyone understanding that I couldn’t post during that time, I wasn’t going to write the Louis Alex part at the end but I missed the action haha, I’ll try to update once a week regularly now, by the way what has been your favorite song of the album? I’m thorn between alive and little white lies 

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