Crisis in Yorknew

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You and Hisoka waited at the travel station while the two of you look at the map to see where the meeting was so the mission will be explained by the Hunters association. You both sat at a bench as Hisoka was looking for the gather area was supposed to be you leaned on him while looking through your messages.
" you should really be focused you know~" Hisoka said mockingly with a sly grin on plastered on his face.
"Shut up this is important" you say chuckling feeling more comfortable around Hisoka. Hisoka stands up.
" ok follow me I know where we are going." He said motioning you to follow him. You followed him with a skip in your step.
" what do you think this will be about Hisoka" you asked
" if they are calling all the hunters in the area something important" he said looking at his phone, you scratch your head.
" well no duh, but what do you think we will be doing." You asked Hisoka put his hand to his chin.
" being we are in Yorknew close to the auction, I would think something about the auction." Hisoka said you close your eyes thinking : I've heard of the auction before I think. You accidentally run into Hisokas butt as you feel down embarrassed.
"S-sorry" you blurted out blushing. Hisoka turned to face you with a smirk on his face.
"Now now don't play games with me Miki, we're here~" he said a tone somewhat lustful. You get up and follow him in.
"Woah!" You said your eyes lighting up at the huge building with hundreds of hunters there. Hisoka looked at his phone when he turned to face you.
"Let's go find my friend he should be here" he said smiling. As he walked you followed him.
"Hey Illumi~" he said closing his eyes smiling in a childish manor.
"Hey Hisoka" he said dully " who's the girl" he asked
" a close friend" he said sitting down beside Illumi  your heart fluttered when he said he was your close friend, you sat down next to Hisoka blushing a little looking down at your phone. Illumi looked at you.
"What's your name by the way." He asked uninterested.
" oh- Miki Natura" you said looking at him. You looked him you thought to yourself :what's up with his uhh- fish eyes?: you ask yourself
"Something wrong" Illumi asked
"Uhh nothing.. " you look at Hisoka
" are we early or something" you asked
" we're late actually other people are mo---" Hisoka was cut off when all the lights turned off and a old man walked into the stage at the middle of the room.
"AH-HEMMM" he coughed as you lost respect for him as he acted like a child.
" WELL THEN," he shouted.
" WE HAVE   NEWS ABOUT THE AUCTION, SPIDERS WILL BE ATTENDING AND WE NEED OUR BEST ON GAURD!" He shouted. Hisoka looked concerned he uncrossed his legs and leaned forward off his chair a little. The old man continued
"THE SPIDERS ARE VERY STRONG SO WE NEED ALL THE HUNTERS AROUND HERE SO WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU, IF YOU HAVE INFO TELL MR.BEAN OVER HERE" Hisoka crossed his legs and arms sitting back in his chair closing his eyes looking annoyed.

After the meeting

You and Hisoka walked out of the building. Hisoka waited for everyone to leave before he looked at you.
" I'm going to go somewhere real quick ok~" he said cheerfully
" awe but I'll be alone~" you said trying to act somewhat devious but cute. Hisoka grabbed you choker and kissed you. You hugged him as the two of you kids sed a little more violently before Illumi walked by.
" Get a room bakas" Illumi said walking by them. Hisoka whipped his head toward Illumi glaring at him.
" you just don't understand" Hisoka told him your heart fluttered when he said this. Hisoka turned back to you
"Miki I have some important business stay here it will only take a hour or so ok?" Hisoka said
"Okay but hurry back I'll be bored with out you" you said crossing your arms attempting to flirt with him. Hisoka smiled.
" very well see you in a few then" he said waving good bye. When he was out of seeing distance you real,y fought the urge to follow him,  but you really had to, they say curiosity killed the cat, you smirked
" well this cat ain't gonna get killed" you smiled at your own joke. After years of mastering attacks and nen and more you were a expert on tracking. You used zetzu and followed Hisoka being silent trailing him in the trees. He walked into a delapitated building. You think to yourself : what is this place?: you get a little ballsy and walk inside. It looks like a normal decayed building, you feel no auras and turn back to exit before you see someone attempt to knock you out. You hold out a razor blade as he attempts to hit you with a sword. He seems well trained with a sword. You look behind you hearing someone running. You see a pink haired girl with string trying to strangle you. You smile your somewhat insane smile enjoying a fight.
"Tsk" you smirked, when she jumped on you, you moved back but she was quick and pinned your arm. You fall to the ground as the man with sword points it at you, a man different man walks up to you with a long cone shaped collar around his neck, covering the bottom half of his face.
" who are you!" You shout trying to escape the pink haired girl but to no avail. The man with the collar keeps walking up to you. As you get nervous you use your hidden ability and black wings form on your back along with claws you made of blood. You snapped the girls twine with nen infused in them. You backed up and flew into the air a little. As you attempted to escape a blond haired man jumped on you. You saw the floor about to hit you.... Then black darkness.

A few hours later.....

You wake up in a small wooden chair your arms bound with rope and twine. You look around seeing no-one in the room.
"Are you ok?" A familiar voice asks you look behind yourself you eyes lighting up.
"H-Hisoka" you say smiling. He walked to you freeing you from bondage. You hugged him as tight as you could you looked into his golden eyes, feeling lost in them : he really is a attractive man: you thought to yourself. He looked into your eyes.
" your eyes are so interesting" he said in his deep soothing voice
"Why do you say that" you asked
" they are different colours , and they sparkle when ever you look at me" you blush a little chuckling.
You put your hands on his lower abdomen and look up to him with puppy eyes
" can we leave now and who were those people" you ask he frowned at looked at you.
" I'm sorry but you can't at the time being you should have stayed like I told you but, these are the spiders." You  frowned at looked at him
" I wanna leave" you said more serious
" you can't darling" he said smirking you blushed and felt a little weak in the knees when he called you darling.
" how long will I be here then?" You ask Hisoka ponders your question a moment.
" once we agree what to do with you" he wiles deviously" your heart stops a moment and your eyes widen.
" w--what to do w--with m-me!?" You ask. Hisoka puts one of his delicate fingers under your chin and lifts your head up.
"H-Hisoka what are yo--" he cuts you off again something about his charm can melt your heart instantly as he kissed you, you knew it wasn't the time for that but was just so.. You can't even explain it you accepted his kiss in a flash before you knees went weak and you began to lean backwards Hisoka fell on you...

Hisokas POV

I met this fairly talented girl names Miki just a few days ago, she's quite impressionable and frankly I enjoy her company and enjoy her, herself to be honest. It's easy to melt her heart and it's fun to surprise her. Something in me knew she would follow me when I was going to tell the spiders hunters were chasing them down. Of course she followed me and it took about three spiders to actually take her down. I smiled at the scene indeed I should have helped her in someway but she didn't notice me and plus the others would get suspicious. I can't believe to admit this but I might actually love her. Love... It's such a strange word, I never understood it until I met her. I used to like machi but, Miki is different. Miki, is just something else. I said I would be in charge of the intruder so I locked myself in the room with her. I waited a few hours for her to wake up. When she woke up she looked happy to see me. But I didn't mean to crush he hope which I think I did the time felt right to be honest and I'm only human, I kissed her and she was reluctant at first but I believe she lived me to as she soon hugged me tighter. She began to fall to the ground and frankly I don't what happened. But being the interesting little thing she was I fell for her~ literally and mentally.  I must say I was embarrassed being we were still at the spider headquarters so I stopped and looked at her while she layed on the floor. I must say she blushes way to often, it somewhat annoyed me  I don't know why, but it was something I could deal with. She asked me why I'd stop. I didn't want to tell her I was embarrassed so I just told her now was not the time I told about the spiders and everything. She understood she needed to act like a prisoner so I used my bungee gum to cuff her. We walked out and I was hoping to
Pursway the spiders to let her go but knowing her she would want to join, frankly I would enjoy that...

After the discussion among  the spiders

Miki POV
So I was able to join the spiders which could get me a little closer with Hisoka. And I was happy after that ordeal with the spiders, the group seems boring besides the whole making Jenny part. When you were finally able to leave you followed Hisoka back to heavens arena you were about to enter when you room when you heard Hisoka
" don't you want to go to my room for a little bit?" He asked. You looked at him
" sure why not" you chuckled you walked into his room before he shut the door locking it. You felt a little uneasy before he started walking toward you. Your eyes met each other before you began to walk up to him. You out your hands on his lower abdomen before the two of you kissed. Hisoka threw you on the bed.
"Hisok--." He began to kiss you while he was on top of you.
"aa" as you finished your sentence...

I will be leaving the story off here I'm so rude I skipped some of my homework to write this so u better enjoy it, comment it the next chapter should be lemon because idk I'm a awkward person k 😂😂 comment if the next chapter should be lemon or somethin bit for Mai story pls

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