The charming clown and the auction

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Before i start this i am so sorry for the short stories lately I've had some stupid  going on and so now I'm done with homework I can work on his cause tbh I live making these and get hyped to start writing also check out my other hisoka fan fic I won't update it for a little bit cause I'm working on this and TYSM FOR 60 READERS 😂😂 lol

You really didn't like chrollo, you didn't know why but he unnerved you. If you were around him you just wanted to hide behind Hisoka. And he was a few feet in front of you. You used Zetzu out of habit and leaned toward Hisoka unnerved by chrollos presence. Hisoka looked down at you with his arms crossed before looking at Chrollo. Chrollo walked over into a alley were the rest of the spiders where to discuss the game plan.
"So what's the plan~" Hisoka said intrigued by chrollos movements
" just wait for everyone else to come for know we wait" Chrollo said opening a book and reading it. Hisoka sat on a pile of boxes and motioned for you to follow him, although you had no second thoughts not wanting to be around Chrollo.

Hisoka POV

When we arrived to hear the game plan about the auction Miki looked a little scared of Chrollo to be honest~ I had to hold in my chuckle. Although I can't blame her Chrollo was a very strong opponent... Someone I would love to crush one day, just thinking about it... Indeed....... After Chrollo told me to wait I decided to sit in a corner frankly I don't like most people so I sat there and motioned Miki to sit by me she came over rather swiftly avoiding Chrollo. She sat on my lap suprisingly she played on her phone as usual and I played with my cards. Cards are so very interesting. Well~ there only interesting if you know how to use them I suppose. I looked at what Miki was doing on her phone. She was looking at some sort of website about fighting techniques she's rather skilled I would say~ so talented,.. So strong.. Just impressive, but she does have a low pain tolerance. I think with some work I suppose I could fix that~ I smirked and she looked at me she didn't say anything but her eyes asked me what I was smirking for I looked back to my cards I shuffled them, I loved her eyes. A bright red eye and a dark gray eye frankly beautiful. Machi koratopi and Feiton walked into the alley Chrollo can't his book with a loud bam coming from it, Miki jumped a little with that happened she shut off her phone and leaned onto my chest, I could tell she didn't really like Chrollo, I wonder why to be honest~

Miki POV

I can't tell why I hate Chrollo so much he just scared me I really can't tell you why. I put my head on Hisokas chest and crossed my legs watching Chrollo. That machi girl was staring at me and hisoka all these people freaked me out, Chrollo began to speak.
" ok so here's what you guys will be doing for the auction I'll handle the bigger parts with the head of the committee, Machi, Hisoka and, Miki you will take out guards koratopi, you make the doubles.....etc
You Hisoka and Mach walk in
" Machi" Hisoka says, " I want to see what Miki can do " he said
" less work for me" Mach sighs
" Miki we want little to no blood if you can pull that off." Hisoka said staring at you
" got it" you said Hisoka went up to a vent since all of you were there early, nobody was there Hisoka opened the vent
" can you fit in there Miki" you walk up to it sizing yourself and the vent.
" yeah" you said Hisoka smirked peeling off the vent lid.
" you know the destination correct?" He asked
" yup " you said trying to reach the vent but you were to short. Hisoka picked you up by your shoulders and pushed you in the vent
"Your welcome~" Hisoka said smiling like a child
" sometimes I don't know why I li--" he closed the vent as you were trying to say something
" douche" you muttered crawling through the vents. You found the storage area where all the guards were. You jumped down as they tried to open fire on you. You looked around catching the bullets with ease before tossing them back so fast that blood didn't pour from the carcasses. Nearby hunters who heard the guns ran in.
"Shit " you said annoyed
" SPI--" one tried to say before you threw a razor blade threw him quickly you scanned the area scenting people using normal zetzu none,
" all enemies defeated in area" you smiled you wiped your hands together removing any dust. Hisoka dangled in front of you seemingly coming out of no where as he was upside down.
"Jeez Hisoka I didn't see you." He just stared at you
" Hisoka?" You asked questionably " are you okay?" Hisoka smirked
" that was a interesting fighting style you know" he says with lustful eyes
"Oh uh t-thanks" you say blushing looking into his golden eyes you could look at them forever you thought to yourself. Hisoka lifted his arms down and picked you up lifting you into the rafters again.
" Hisoka what are you doing?" You asked him. He layed on top of you kissing you you thought to yourself why does he always do this at the worst of times. You ran your fingers in his hair you loved how wavy his hair was and how silky smooth it was he started kissing your neck.
" Hisoka aren't we on a mission" you asked pushing his head away form you
" I suppose but still" he paused " it's rather boring" he began kissing you again
" and if Chrollo and Machi finds us avoiding out duties?" You asked Hisoka pushed him self up looking at you
" you really aren't any fun are you?' He asked frowning
" there's a time and place for everything" you replied he got up and crawled out of the rafters as you followed him. The mission was going along well so far. Everyone was around koratopi as he made doubles and a few were doing the important jobs they had. Hisoka looked over to you.
" you do know our job is done right?" Hisoka asked
" yeah what are you getting at" you asked
" your fighting style was so amazing" Hisoka smirked with lust filled eyes
"Thanks I guess" you say sitting on his lap looking at your phone.
" want to go to the back room?" Hisoka asked up front you turned off your phone
" damn Hisoka your charm is just so.." You paused Hisoka just chuckled while you chose your words carefully
" I don't understand you ways of thoughts sometimes Hisoka" you said putting your head on his chest looking at your phone. Hisoka looked at you and he took out your ponytail again
" why do you always do that Hisoka?" You asked a little aggravated
" I like your hair down" Hisoka said smirking as he played with your hair. You blushed
" why are you acting so weird" you asked Hisoka continued playing with your hair
" what are you talking about Miki~" he asked you glared at him
" your acting.... Like, how do I put it " Hisoka smirked " flirty kinda" you said looking at him.
" how so?~" he asked you glared at him as he began to put random braids in your hair.
" you just are " you said crossing your arms Hisoka chuckled at you statement
" are you coming over to my house again tonight?" Hisoka asked cocking his head.
" I suppose" you said putting your head on his chest hugging him

Lol ok so here is my writing schedule if I write so what early usually it's short or these are posted at like 1:00am for me 😂 lol but TYSM I literally have close to 70 reads and tbh I think it's cause of the lemon so next chapter will prob be lemon and plz vote for my story and recommend it if you have weird Hisoka loving friends 😂😂 COUGH COUGH VICTHOR COUGH COUGH so I hope you enjoyed this somewhat shirt chapter XD leave advice for lemons plz

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