Early in the morning

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You felt something stirring beside you as you hazily opened you eyes still tired before you fell on the floor, Hisoka woke up already
" Hisoka what time is it" you yawned rubbing your eyes. Hisoka looked groggy too but he looked at the clock,
" around 7:00 it's fairly late for when I usually get up" Hisoka sighed you got up stretching your arms trying to wake up.
" I usually get up around 6:00" Hisoka walked over to the bathroom.
" I'm going to take a quick show ok?" He said almost flirting
" okay" you said still yawning you thought to your self : I might as well take a shower after him I guess: you thought. You put your hair up back into a ponytail as you hated your hair down, it was just so uncomfortable to you. You sat on his couch looking through you phone. Out of no where someone scooped you up bridal style.
"AHHHHH" you screamed not sending their aura
"Boo~" a voice said mockingly
"Damn it Hisoka" you said trying to laugh, Hisoka set you down.
" do you want anything to eat by the way" he put his hand on his chest acting glorious and full of himself
" I am a amazing cook you know~" you said jokingly
" yet you can't cook a pig as I saw you try to in the Hunter exams" you snorted back to him giggling between words. His pride turned into a annoyed frown before he crossed his arms
" she was unworthy of my cooking anyway" he said turning his head
" it's a death sentence to eat your food " you said laughing as you teased him. Hisoka looked at you before he picked you up bridal style again.
" Hisoka what are you doing you bak--"you were cut off when he threw you in the air
" AAAAAAA" you screamed finishing your sentence you never hit the ceiling but Hisoka used bungee gum and you were stuck on the ceiling
" really what was that for" you asked violently squirming trying to escape his nen.
" What did you say about my food again Miki?" He asked chuckling.
" I'm NOT SAYING ITTTT" you shouted trying to escape it.
Hisoka began cooking while he ignored you.
" so your going to leave me here really?" You asked growing angry and frustrated Hisoka cracked two eggs and began to make fried eggs.
" Fine. Your food is good" you muttered crossing your arms. Hisoka turned to you at he put seasoning on the eggs. He put his hand to his ear.
" what~ I can't hear you miss Miki" he said laughing
" Your food..... Is good" you yelled at him angrily he smirked
" LET ME DOWN NOW HISOKAAAA" you shouted he smirked
" be careful what you wish for as your head was centimeters away from the floor
" AHHHHHHHHHH" you screamed as he stopped you from falling all the way to the floor. Hisoka laughed at you while you were still screaming
"Hisoka I swear to God I will kil-- "you hit the floor.
" I hate you Hisoka" you curse under your breath Hisoka pouted cocking his head
" you do?~" he said forcing a cute sad voice with puppy eyes before laughing at you.
" damn it why do I love you" you said getting up Hisoka laughed before you quickly grabbed his shirt collar and dragged him into a kiss. He was surprised at first before he kissed you back as he ruined your hair again by pulling out your ponytail he scruff end up your hair as he kissed you and you ruined his in return. You push back with your hands on his chest.
" imma take a shower k?" You said half questionably half playful. Before you walked into the shower. You took a quick show and stuck your hand out reaching for a towel your grabbed one wrapping it around yourself. Before you realized
" wait there's not a towel hook,!?" You opened the shower door to see Hisoka.
" Really?" You asked him somewhat pleased. He smirked
" I finished breakfast" he said with a chuckle in his words.
" can I get dressed at least " you asked a little annoyed
" we should hurry I want to go to the auction soon~" Hisoka said with a song in his words.
" THEN LET ME CHANGE HISOKA" you shouted at him annoyed
" Hai Hai " he said waving his hand walking out. You locked the door after he left before you changed. You put your hair in a ponytail and put on your makeup. The two of you eat breakfast and head to he auction.  You meet up with the spiders you look at chrollo he looked really intimidating.....

Sorry for the short story I will be posting again later tonight but omg! As soon as I added the lemon part I went from 20 views to like 50 😂😂 TYSM! And leave any and all feedback

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