Chapter 2 (dress above)

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Small soft streams of light gently made their way through my curtains and danced around my room.

My eyes fluttered open as I yawned and stretched. Smacking my lips I threw my legs over the side of my bed while I pushed around the giant snake laying on the floor with my feet." Akurra, wake up." The snake just grunted and let it's tongue hang out of it's mouth "Noo! Anise I want to SLEEP." He whined as he rolled around my floor.

Smirking I raised a brow " Gee, well that's to bad. Guess I'll have to get a new familiar then,just yesterday I saw that pretty little cottonmouth lying in the road. You know the one you don't like I heard she gets up at the crack of dawn." His eyes shot open and he quickly slithered up my bed post." Welp, best get to stepping. What time is it? Why are you not dressed LET'S GO LET'S GO!If I had hands I would clap." He said giving me a pointed look

"Forget it last time I have you hands for a day on your birthday It was.... Weird" i shuddered at the memory. A lazy grin found a way onto his face "yah, that was great who knew boobs were so soft by the way why did she run away all I wanted was to feel them." I snickered and walked into the bathroom grabbing a random dress before closing the door. I quickly showered and brushed my teeth I threw on my dress along with my signature navy blue lipstick and letting my curly black hair down before walking out and over to the crazy snake.

I held my arm out and he slithered on, coiling himself around my right arm and neck before his head landed on my left shoulder.I walked out the door to my dragons cave was a few yards into the tree line. "Mornin, Ka." I said as I walked up to her. She was eating a deer that she caught this morning. "Good morning, Anise ready to go?" She asked happily swallowing the last bite of her meal before laying down so I could climb on. "Yup, today is gonna be a fun day." Once I got myself situated on her back Akkura just had to open up his big mouth. "Hey Ka, Don't hold back today!" He shouted his eyes filled with amusement. Ka just waved him off "Please, when have I ever held back?" She asked her eyes twinkled with mirth and mischief. Before I could warn her not to go to fast she was already speeding off to the kingdom as fast as her wings could carry us.

I closed my eyes and let the wind flow through my hair and by the time I opened them she was already landing on the side of a busy street. Ka easily slipped into the crowd her long legs made it seemed like she was gliding through thin air. We would have blended into the crowd easily considering the amount of people shifted to carry their merchandise, but being a witch gives you reputation both good and bad. But we all held our heads high and didn't flinch when they threw pebbles and stones.

Ka and Akkura started to growl and hiss at anyone who came to close.Soon it started to rain and the wind whipped around us strange eventually we made it to my medicine shop but we weren't the only one's there

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