Chapter 3

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Outside the door was a little boy who looked no more than 5 soaked and his wet clothes sticking to his body like a second skin. "Hello?" I asked as I got off Ka.
His eyes looked up at mine "Can you help me?"
I looked around. "Where are your parents?" He tried to concentrate and it was adorable his nose scrunched up and he stuck his tongue out the corner of his mouth. "I was playing when it got really hot and floaty grey stuff started coming it made me cough. Momma told me to get out the house and I did. I waited for her to come out but I didn't see her and it all fell down. I Think it was called a feyer." I furrowed my eyebrows together a feyer? What the heck is a feyer......

Oh no..."What's your name?" He walked closer to me "Tommy" I picked him up and placed him on my hip. "Tommy?" I asked my voice softer "Was it a fire?"

"Yea, How did you know?" I looked down at him "It happened to me my mommy and daddy got stuck in one to." We stood in comfortable silence for a few minutes before he spoke up "Are you my new mommy?"

I couldn't help but smile and I kissed his nose "Yea, I'll be your new mommy." A little grin made his way up onto his face before he hugged me and snuggled into the crook of my neck. "I love you momma." He said with his voice muffled. Im a mom now. CRACK! I looked up the storm was letting off but it was still pretty bad "Ka take Akkura home but be careful." Ka looked hesitant but scooped Akkura up in her claws anyway "If you say so Anise, but be careful Ka and I will be waiting for you back home."And with that she spread her wings out and took off."
I walked inside with Tommy on the side if my hip and I set him next to the fire and searched through an old cupboard for something he can wear while I dry his clothes. After moving all my Elder Leaf and Mugwort out the way I found an oversized grey shirt that held a bundle of dried Lavender. I helped him change and hung his clothes over the fire and let him nap on a cot in the corner.

I rolled up my sleeves and got a ripe pumpkin from under. the table and set to work I cut it up into pieces and got some spices to season it. I put it on the stove to let the soup cook. When he wakes up he might be hungry.

30 min
"Tommy, wake up." I whispered bobbing his nose. He sits up and tiredly rubs his eyes and offers me a small smile. I hand him his clothes "Can you change by yourself this time or do you need help?"
"NOPE!, I'm a big boy." He says while slightly puffing his chest out. I chuckle at his adorableness before directing him behind a dressing screen and handing him his clothes. A few minutes later he comes out and I can't help but snicker. His shirt is on backwards and his shoelaces are in funny little knots. I walk over to him "Here let me help you a little bit." I tell
him to stick his hands back through the shirt and I turned it around and started working on his shoelaces. "Are you hungry?"

"Yup." He said popping the p I smiled and guided him over to he table and set down a bowl of pumpkin soup in front of him and I left him to himself while I went to rearrange the herbs.Ding

A woman walks in cursing and scratching at her arms. Her name is Amelia Lynx and she's the towns gossip Queen. "Stupid bushes,getting in my way." Geez what happened to her? "Hello, Amelia." I greet "Listen..." She doesn't  know my name. "Uh... Witch do you have anything for poison oak I fell in some while I was picking tomatoes."

" Um... I think I can whip something up just take a seat over there." I say while pointing to a chair next to Tommy. She nods and struts over while looking at Tommy suspiciously. I walk over to the cabinet and pull out some mugwort. I walk over to the sink and fill a pot with 32 ounces of water. I carry the pot over to the stove and turn it on. I grab a knife and cut some mugwort and set it off to the side. I need a strainer and a bottle. I tap my chin thoughtfully while I try to remember where I put the strainer. Aha I snap my fingers before I walk behind Amelia and grab a strainer hanging from the wall. "You sure seem like you know what you're doing." She says after a while

I walk over to a chest and grab a nice sized bottle "Im a witch." I shrugged. Her gaze narrows "Yeah, I know." I grab the pot and set it on the counter. I take some residue of the mugwort leaves before tossing it into the pot and pit a lid over it so it can steep. I steal a quick glance at Tommy and I see him furiously mixing his soup and getting it all over the table.

I frown "Tommy, don't play with your food." I scold while turning back around to check on the tea. "Sorry, momma." He mutters under his breath. Amelia's eyes widened "YOU HAVE A SON!"
I just look at her before walking over to Tommy and taking his bowl off the table as he already went to look around.

I try to walk over to the sink but her foot shoots out and I trip and all I can see is the ground rushing towards me and my life flashed before my eyes. I saw myself being born gross I saw myself trying to braid my hair and getting my fingers stuck in the knots and the time I stole my dad's pop-tart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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