Allyson just turned 14 years old on
July 6, 2016. She has green eyes, black hair, and pink lips. Allyson lives in Riverside, California. She also is one of a total of 8 children, and of course is the second youngest. Allyson and her younger brother Cameron are almost identical and share a really tight bond. Even though Cameron is 13 doesn't mean they couldn't be like twins.Allyson grew up a happy child. She always played at the park with her brothers and sisters and had the best memories there. Then 4 years later her family decides to move to San Pedro, California. She was only 5 at the time but was honestly a little bit excited. Allyson has never been to the area and it was just perfect timing for her to start kindergarten.
After her family was settled in to their two story home with an amazing view of the beach. It was one experience to get used to.
Allyson just about to start her 8th grade year with the same class she grew up knowing since kindergarten, found out that she lost her brother Cameron. She heard that he had died from overdose on September 21st. Allyson knew he was sick and addicted to drugs but never said anything about it because it never crossed her mind. Now she felt guilty. Guilty, because she didn't try to help and save her brother.
It took Allyson a few months to get over the fact she wants the youngest and didn't have her best friend and twin by her side anymore. She visits his gave every Friday after school to make sure he's ok. They talk for a few hours, and she lets him know she's doing alright and that she misses him always and forever.
Cameron's birthday is coming up on February 10 of 2017. Right now it's January 29th. Allyson doesn't think she can handle the fact of February 10 being a good day, she already has a bad feeling about something happening on that day.
Here it is, today, the 10th and so far so good. Of course, Allyson paranoid as always because of her superstitions but nothing bad has happened all day. Finally the day is over, no worries.
Four days pass, everything is great because she finds out her and her family are going to Disneyland for the first time ever. Everyone is jumping for joy. Like who doesn't want to go to Disneyland? Well not after Allyson finds herself in a wooden cage on a moving train. Allyson doesn't really remember much but after she woke up, she remembered she went to Disney with her family. Saw the name Ally written on a rock. Went to the bathroom to wash her hands. And after that was all blur.
She ends up sitting in the cage for hours on end, looking through the small window on the side door, thinking to herself that this will be her last look at a sunset.