Just Don't, Jesse.

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Beca POV

"Aubrey why haven't you told us that yet? Don't try and make us feel bad just because we aren't stalkers trying to figure out everything about you!" I say releasing my bottled-up anger of Aubrey Posen.

"I don't like people knowing everything about my life and especially my past. It isn't something I like to discuss Beca." Aubrey explains. My shoulders sink from exhaustion.

"Just stop assuming everything about me, alright Rebeca?" Aubrey says using my full name.

"Stop trying to blame me for your problems. And just a little info, if you ever call me by my full name again you'll have to visit your mum in heaven." Ohk. I admit that was a little too far. But she has to know who shes up against here.

"Don't turn this on me-" Aubrey starts.

"Aubrey just shut your effing mouth before I shut it for you!" Chloe yells at an already-shocked Aubrey.

"Hey guys Aubrey didn't do anything wrong-" Jesse begins before Aubrey cuts him off.

"Stop Jesse"

"I won't until they finally treat you right!-"

"JESSE! I said stop."

"B-b-but Aubrey-"

"Just Don't, Jesse. Please."

"You know what? I am sick of this! I am going. And Jesse and Aubrey, thanks for being the best traitors ever!" I yell before rushing up the stairs with Chloe closely following behind me. I feel a cold tear stroll down my pale face.

"Beca, Beca look at me. Please." Chloe says speeding up her pace to catch up with me. I stop suddenly a slowly turn around to show Chloe my face of which is covered in streaming tears.

"Beca, what's wrong? Is it me?" She asks and I shake my head. "Who?"

"It's just. Jesse broke up with me and before I could even tell Aubrey, he whiffs her away so he can be with her. And she refused it like she should've at first, but then they get together without us knowing and then she judges us because we're together." I say between tears.

"We're together?" Chloe asks me confused.

"W-well I just thought that you know cause you know. . ." I stutter out awkwardly.

"Oh, psh yeah of course" Chloe says looking at the ground and playing with the fabric on her shirt. I wipe my tears away.

"You're uncomfortable. I can tell. I'm sorry, I-I-I'll just go." I say turning to go to our dorm.

"Bec no I-I didn't mean it like that. Beca please stop."

"Why though? You ask me out to lunch everyday, you walk me to my dorm, you hold my hand, you k-k-kiss me and all you're doing is leading me on. I just need some time alone to think for a minute okay? Is that too much to ask?"

"I'll see you later Bec."

Joanna POV 

A knock at the door again. If it's John I swear to god. I open the door and sure enough there is my choreographing partner, Johnson.

"What do you want?" I ask while he invites himself in. "Please, come in." I mumble.

"Hallo. How are you, Joanna?" John asks unusually polite.


"I'm good too, thanks for asking." he replies sarcastically.

"Anytime sweetheart." I return the sarcasm.

"Why you gotta be like this babe?" He says making a pucker face.

"I'M NOT IN THE F***ING MOOD OKAY?!?!" I scream.

"Someone's got their menstries!" John replies as I give him a dirty look.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Period" he whispers in my ear.

"Oh, well in that case." I say before punching him in the stomach. He crouches in pain and I smile at my achievement.

Daniella POV

I walk into the building of our dorms to see Jesse and his newfound girlfriend Aubrey. This time I make sure it's him and not some other guy.

"How the hell could you do this to my sister?! You narcissistic, horrible, two-faced, idiodic dickface! And Aubrey! Beca and Chloe wanted you out of the Bellas full stop and then you go ahead and do this behind Beca's back and get mad at them for being seen kissing. Like seriously what the hell is wrong with you two idiots?!" I manage to yell without gasping for breath.

"Dani, I am so sorry. I-I-I its all my fault I-I lead Aubrey into this mess because I liked her and now it's caused all of this and I'm responsible." Jesse stutters out.

"Do you really think that's going to matter?" I ask before walking away to find Beca and Chloe somewhat arguing. I decide to not interrupt because it seems like something important.

"But Beca please don't I never meant to lead you on like that!" Chloe exclaims and then attempts but fails to hold Beca's hand. Beca turns to see me.

"Dani how long have you been here?" She says walking to give me a hug. I accept the hug and reply with -

"Only like a minute or two I swear."

"Okay good, this is really nothing it's just a little drama Chloe and I are going to get past. But, ah, go to your dorm and I'll call you later."

"Oh yeah I have a new roommate apparently. It's actually Erin, Chloe's little sister. Is she nice?" I question Chloe.

"Oh yea she's awesome but she is very fit so she'll most likely be at the campus gym in her freetime." Chloe responds as if taken by surprise.

"Oh I've just started going to the gym. We could be gym buddies!" I reply enthusiastically. Chloe nods with a big smile and then her and Beca head back to their dorm. I choose to go meet, well, 'see' Erin again I guess you could say.

"Dani! Hey I was just about to go to the gym, wannna come with?" Erin greets me as I walk into hers and mine dorm.

"Oh yeah I'll meet you there in 5, I'll get changed." I reply, happy with my nice roommate.

"See you there!" She says slamming the door behind her. WOAH! Way to make a loud exit. When I am ready I meet her by the corner with all the punching bags in it. What? I don't know all the professional names for these things!

Chloe POV

"Do you wanna go somewhere for dinner?" Beca asks me.

"Yea, what did you have in mind?"

"Nowhere fancy. Maybe that little restaraunt on the corner?"

"How much more cliche can this sichiation get?" I say using my own word. You know, instead of situation I said sichiation. Pretty creative if you ask me.

A Sequel to Pitch PerfectWhere stories live. Discover now