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A/N I am sorry for dragging the whole 'meeting jesse's parents thing out, but i promise it will happen this chapter :-)

Beca POV

Jesse and I finish packing and chuck our bags in the boot. Dad walks out the front door and he has a bag.

"You didn't actually think I was serious did you?" I ask making a face at my dad.

"I'm not going to the Swanson's, I am going out to the city for a meeting."

"With who?"

"Alessa Incorporated."


"Bye Beca."

I climb into the car and start it up. Jesse soon hops in the passenger side. I reverse and we get on our way.

Aubrey POV

My dad helps Ellisa get me a glass of water and he starts getting cosy on her. I look away and gag a bit before I see them kiss. They start getting carried away and Ellisa puts my glass of water on the bench as my dad carries her up the stairs. I take a sip of water and a deep breath before switching the tv on. I hear sounds of giggling and squels and block my ears in disgust.

Beca POV

We have been driving for about a half hour and I suddenly get the same feeling I did before I threw up. Jesse passes me the paper bag from our McDonalds and holds the wheel while I puke. I put my foot on the brake and Jesse turns the wheel so we pull over. I look at him with sorry in my eyes and we get out and switch.

"Beca, do you think maybe the vomiting is, uhm, m-morning sickness?" Jesse asks nervously.

"But it can't be we've been using-"

"No, we haven't."

"Oh god. Oops."

"We'll stop at a gas station and get you a test." I nod and the rest of the ride to the station is pure silence.

"Jesse, what if I am pregnant? What are we gonna do?" I ask, freaking out.

"Honestly, I have no idea." Jesse replies. He turns into the gas station and I get nervously out of the car. We walk in and scan the aisles for a test and I finally come across one. Jesse pays for it and I decide to do it when we get to his parents. In a matter of minutes we arrive and Jesse's mum comes running to the car. She pulls me into a tight hug and I squirm a little.

"Mum, Beca's not really the 'hug everybody' type." Jesse explains. She smiles at me and apologises.

"You're just so adorable!" She exclaims.

"MUM!" Jesse hisses.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Melinda. It's so great to finally meet you!"

"I'm Beca, it's nice to meet you too. If it isn't too much to ask, can I use your, um, bathroom?" I say grimacing.

"Oh yes of course I'll show you to it!" She grabs my hand and asks me what's in the bag.

"It's uhm, you know, tampons." I whisper.

"Oh!" She giggles and points to the bathroom.

"Phil get your ass down here, please! Jesse's here!" I hear her yell. I rip open the box and get the instructions. Remove the cap and place the tip of stick in urine stream. Oh god. Here it goes. I 'place the stick in my urine stream' and then nervously wait two minutes for the results. I pick up the stick and open my eyes slowly. A green 'YES' appears and I silently start to cry. I don't know whether I am happy or sad.

A Sequel to Pitch PerfectWhere stories live. Discover now