Chapter 1 : The Begining of my life...

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Everything is peaceful.....but it will not last long...

(1 year ago)

Taehyung : Yah Kagaya here!

Kagaya : Oh,Hi Tae!

He quickly pull me into a hug....

Taehyung : It been awhile ..... i miss you soo much!

Kagaya : Aw .... Me too ....

Taehyung : Well should we go now?

Kagaya : Where-- 

Before i could ask he quickly take my hand and take me into a beautiful cafe

Taehyung : Here...

He give me box,a mysterious box...

Kagaya : What is this?

When i open it i saw a pitch black hole...That was when i woke up from my nightmare,I yelled while crushing my head because of the pain 

Mom : Yah!!you okay?!

Kagaya : No!why he keep appearing me?!

Mom : You have to hold it in...

Kagaya : But why he always there!

Nightmares about him haunt you every night and that make you lock yourself in the room 

(Next day)

I wake early in the morning because i don't want to be late on my first day of school..and i hope That will not happen anymore...I went to the new school and straight to it office and to my class after i get all the information,i knock on the door twice and open it revealing a woman that i think is my homeroom teacher.
Mrs.Kim : Are you the new student?
Kagaya : Yes,i am..
Mrs.Kim : Ok, you can come in now
I walk inside and bow to Mrs.Kim
Mrs.Kim : You can intorduce yourself now
Kagaya : Hi, I am Hitomi Kagaya,I hope you guys will take care of me ~~
Mrs.Kim : Okay,You can sit beside Taehyung
Taehyung?.... I hope it not Him...i walk to my sit and took a glance at Taehyung and he look kinda like him....
Taehyung : Hi,I'm Kim Taehyung nice to meet you ~~
I gulped hard when their last name is the same..
Kagaya : Hi..
After a short talk , we focused on the class because knowledge is important in our life~~
The bell rang and it mean recess right not really my favourite because i don't really have appetite,so i just eat cookie that i brought from home while walking around the school...
?? : Hey are you new?
Hearing that i turned back and see a girl that look kinda pretty....
Kagaya : Um...Yes...
?? : Hi, Im Myoui Mina,nice to meet you~~
Kagaya : I'm Hitomi Kagaya nice to meet you too
After i introduce myself she quickly put her hand over my shoulder
Mina : Are you looking around the school if you do i will help you~~
Kagaya : Kind of ....
Mina : Let's go~~
She show all around the school,and also talked about her everyday life she kind warm hearted...i'm kinda like her...the bell rang back so we went to our class.Class ended shortly and it time to go home while i was going out of the class i see Mina standing in front of the class door waiting for me.
Mina : Hey want to hang out ?
Kagaya : Sure...
Mina : Let's go to a cafe ~~
She said while taking my hand and lead me to a cafe that a strong smell of baked coffee that was so relaxing ,we went to the counter and order a coffee and went to a  park.
Mina : Hey did you know BTS?
Kagaya : No..
Mina : BTS is a korean boyband, there are seven member in this group well my bias is Jeon Jungkook.. he is soooooo cute~~~.But do you know there a person in your class named Kim Taehyung he was one of BTS too
Kagaya : Taehyung... i sit beside him
Mina : Wah you are really lucky!There's many girls want to see beside him but cant because of his idol side...
We decided to go back home because it kinda late now..I walk carefully cause im scared if something will happen cause my bad luck will never leave me alone..
?? : Stop right there !
I quickly stop and look back and see Him......
Kagaya : What?!why you keep bothering me please leave me alone!
Taehyung : Why?Are you scared babe?I'm not going to hurt you or something i just want to meet you is that wrong?we use to be in relationship right?
Hearing his voice make me scared but the weirdest part here he actually hug me...
Kagaya : What wrong with you let me go!
Taehyung : If i do you will run and never come back right?
Kagaya : I will cause you are not Taehyung that i know anymore and i hate you!
After i said i hate him he slowly let me go and i quickly run away with my teary eyes
Taehyung : I'm sorry...
I quickly the door when i reached my house,my mom who sitting on the sofa shocked seeing me cried really hard
Mom : What happen?!
Kagaya : He's.....He's here!
Mom : Who just tell me who!
Kagaya : Kim.....Taehyung!
Mom : Gosh!calm down it okay you will never see him again after this!
Kagaya : I hope to but he keep appearing even in my dream!
Mom : You gotta calm down now just sit....
I lay my body on the sofa while my head is on my mom lap that gently and i slowly drifted to my dreamland that i hope was not about him anymore....
I wake up in the morning realizing that i'm in my room..The morning light shine through my window that was to bright making me cover my eyes and quickly wake up and take a bath before going to school.
After bathing i went downstairs
Kagaya : Good morning mom and dad~~
Kagaya's parents : Good morning sweetie~~
Dad : You pretty today sweetie~~
Kagaya :You look handsome today Daddy~~and you also look pretty today mommy ~~
Mom : How sweet of you~~
My mom said while pinching my nose playfully
Dad : So should we eat now or you will be late for school
After breakfast i quickly wear my shoes and go outside
Kagaya : Good bye Mom and Dad!
I said and walk to school,when i arrived at school i see Mina waiting for me in front of the gate she quickly wave to me when she see me
Mina : Hi buddy!
Kagaya : Buddy?
Mina : Yes buddy why?
Kagaya : Okay
I was walking with Mina when i suddenly bumped into a student
?? : Don't you have eyes?!

Chapter 1 End

Hi guys! Sorry for the remakes but i hope you will enjoy it!^-^


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