Chapter 3 : Memories

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You went inside your room and start to cry ....then you take a box that filled with yours and Taehyung memories there picture,couple shirt and the most treasured item you get are the necklaces that he give to you it has T&K on it ,you hold it and cried even harder remembering the past
(1 year ago)
Taehyung :Um..i got something for you~~
Kagaya : What?
Taehyung : Jjang~~
He give a box and ask me to open it
Kagaya : You dont have to do this...
Taehyung : It just for you my lovely sweet girl~~
He then wore it for me over my neck
Taehyung : I got it too so it will be a couple necklace,do you like it?
Kagaya : I do thank you Tae
I said while huging him tightly and slowly open the hug and kiss my forehead
Taehyung : I hope we will last long
Kagaya : Dont say that we will
I said and peck his cheek
Sweet huh? I dont know what sweet mean after all the suffer i faced
I open my phone and see Taehyung name on my mesage board


Taehyung : Im sorry for this morning ..... and i still love you...

Kagaya : Love? What is L-O-V-E ? I dont even know that word and stop bothering me!

Taehyung : Please! Please give me a chance!

Kagaya : I dont care about it anymore , all of it has broke to pieces because of you !


After thos past i should forget about it because it doesent matter anymore,I went downstair and suprised to see all the light is out and make remember my birthday that use to be celebrate with him.... i cant hold it anymore and start to cried all my heart
Mom : What happen to you darling? Why did you cried?
Kagaya : I dont know.... but he keep appearing in my mind i tried to forget about it but i just CANT!
I start to cry harder until i feel my eyes about to drop...
Dad : Im sorry darling actually this is all your mom idea since she hear you been crying for awhile and even lock yourself...
Kagaya : It...It okay Dad im okay totally okay..
I said while slowly stand up and go to my room
Mom : Look at here i dont know what to say anymore..
Dad : Ever since that event she was so lifeless and she totally look like a zombie...
Mom : Aish...Why would you call her like that?
Dad : Im just saying the truth ...
After a good sleep i wake up and take a bath while i was brushing my teeth i look at the mirror and my face was too gloomy so i decided to wear a little bit makeup hide my swallowed eye bag and any flaw on my face and wear little cherry tint to lighten up my face
I went downstair and see my mom is talking to my dad about something
Kagaya : Mom,Dad what were talking there
Because of my voice they jump a bit slowly look behind
Mom : Something ..... But if we tell you please dont be mad okay....
Dad : Yeah...Dont be mad
Kagaya : I will not so tell me..
Mom : Actually my friend have a son they live around here and her son just transfer to your school a few day ago....and.....and
Kagaya : And?
Dad : And we decided to arraged your marrige with her son...
Kagaya : What?!
Mom : You promised you wont be mad right?...
My mom said while showing her pinky finger
Kagaya : But why?
Dad : It okay, you guys will graduated your marriage will be after that
Kagaya : But, isn it to early ?
Mom : It does wont regret it cause my friend son is gentleman.
Kagaya : Okay im going now
Dad : What about breakfast?
Kagaya : It okay i just eat my oat kookie.....
They look at me as they were worried about me.Maybe i make them worried too much...I went outside and start to school..
Taehyung POV
I was waiting for Kagaya to come out her house and exidentally eavesdropping to what her parent are talking to her.
I...I heard she has an arranged married with her mom friend's son...hearing that make heart broke because they be married soon after we graduated....
I saw here slowly walk out of her house and i quickly hide so she does not see me because if do she definitily yelled at me..I slowly follow her from behind as she walk to school and meet with her friend Mina right?...Suddenly Kou came to me
Kou : Ssup Bro~~
I think we just meet tho ....
Taehyung : Ssup~~
And we started to do that handshake (Actually it was like Jungkook and Taehyung do at After School Club show....)
Kou : What take you too long?
Taehyung : Something happen .... I think we should go to our class now
I walk in our class and see she is playing with her phone....did she still have thos photo we use to captured together?... I hope she does..
I went and seat beside her and she quickly close her phone but with my sharp eyes i can see the picture that we take together is on her lockscreen.. i which we could ho back to that time...
Then Mrs.Kim camed in and start our class until recess . Before we about go for recess Mrs.Kim stop us...wonder what she going to say..
Mrs.Kim : Sorry for taking your time but i have a huge anoucement,Tomorow our class will be holding a camping trip at Nishihama Beach.
The class started to cheer with joyous
Mrs.Kim : There three class that will be participating for this trip and you class is on of it.The two other class is 1Z,1I and there also will be a meeting of three of this class today after school.You guys may go now.
I took a glace at Kagaya see that she kinda excited.I was about to stand up but she quickly went outside when her friend Mina came.
While i was walking with Kou to the canteen
Girls 1 : Wah,thos two were so Handsome!
Girls 4 : They do are handsome but i heard that they are single
The way the talked make me want to one will get heart than her.I dont about Kou but i think he never dated yet...
Back to Kagaya
Mina : Assa! Our class will be together during the camp!
She said will doing her victory kinda cute tho...
Kagaya : This what we called fate...
Mina : Btw,did you know your ex boyfriend is kinda hot here...
Kagaya : I dont care about him anymore
Mina : Okay then....umm this afternoon i cant acompany you cause i have a ......
Kagaya : It okay you dont have to tell me...
Mina : Well,Im really sorry ..... hontoni gomen....
Kagaya : It okay...
I said while slowly patting her back

After the trip meeting i went to a park i used to date with Taehyung .... Thing sure changed here and... there use to be an Ice Cream shop here but it changed to a Flower Shop
Florist : May i help you miss?
Kagaya : just going to look around first
I wander around the shop and stop at a beautiful flower that chatch my eyes
Florist : If you want to know this flower name is Carnation and it mean of pride and beauty,Do you want it?
Kagaya : I will get a bouquet
Florist : That will ¥350
I hand her the money and flashed her with the sweetest smile that i can do
Florist : Thank you
I went to sit on one of the bench infront of a fountain ,At the park i can see some children runing around with joyous along with the bird chirping...

While Taehyung
I was hanging out with Kou at of our favourite park that i use to go with Kagaya.It was shocking that i see her sitting on a bench in front of a fountain and she slowly smile while looking around the park....the weirdest thing is why there flower in her hand? Did someone give her?..... i hope no..


Hi guys! Thank you for reading my book and even following me ! 😊😊


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