2. Big Announcement ~ Joeys P.O.V

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Today was the day. Me and Daniel had been together for over two years now and I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else in the world so I'm gonna' pop the question, Daniel was at target with Shane and Drew buying things for our next colab, Shane already knows the plan and well as usual Drew is clueless.
I pulled out my new camera which Daniel got me last week and start filming "Ah good day!!" I grinned like a mad man at the camera, taking a brief pause to think about how to deliver the news, I'll just edit the pauses out later. "You guys have all been wanting this almost as much as I have so the day is finally here, I'm going ask Daniel Preda to marry me!" I said loudly checking my hair in the view finder. I switched of the camera as I heard my phone ring
Great, what does he want? I ask myself before answering "Helloo?" I said dragging my 'o' "Joey, Daniel has bought a Girl Scout cookie oven and we'll be back at your place in like 10 minutes!" He said sounding out of breath, I laughed "Ok, that's fine but don't be too fast!" I said ending the call. It's go time.

A path of roses lead to the door leading into the garden, The pool was full of inflatables and in the corner by the gate was a huge fort made from a mattress and pillows, if Daniel didn't say yes to this he was mad. My palms were sweaty as I crouched behind a pot of gravel with a small black box in my hand.

Finally I heard the front door open and Shane nudged Daniel "Where's Joey?" He asked obviously knowing where I was, and people say he can't act-
I blushed as I heard Daniel laugh "what's this? Shane I know you love me but joeys the one for me.." Daniel sighed dramatically, I rolled my eyes and crouched even lower as Drew and Shane lead Daniel outside, once he adjusted to his surrounding he smiled brightly "Joey?" He called out "did you do this?" He added, I stood up and surprised him from behind, he laughed but soon stopped when I knelt down on one knee "Daniel.. I love you so much and I feel like now is as good as any time in our relationship to ask you.. Daniel Christopher Preda will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I let at a sigh of relief knowing the hard part was over, Daniel grabbed me and pulled me up from one knee passionately kissing my lips "Yes Joey! Any day!" He smiled before wrapping his arms around me tightly, Drew wiped a tear from his eye "Why will know one date me?" He ranted out loud, "I will." Said Shane looking into Drews eyes, they both burst out laughing "Aha, I have standards sorry mate" Drew smirked patting his friend on the back and walking over to the engaged couple.

I slid the silver ring onto my fiancés finger before smacking my lips against his.

Well damn! ;)
Thankyou so much for baring with me on that one, Daniels P.O.V was earlier tbh, but if you could vote & comment that would be appreciated!! Ly all follow my insta @/janielsupport ❤️

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