6. Your fans hate me ~ Daniels P.O.V

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I sighed leaning my head on Joeys shoulder "Your fans hate me Joey, they keep messaging me thinks about Shane and Drew"
"I don't care what they think about you, your the one I love and your my boyfriend, plus there just getting used to you, it's only been a week since they knew I even had a boyfriend." He said kissing my cheek.

"I'm going to target, do you want anything?!" I yelled to Joey who as gaming upstairs "um, if you find any good video ideas will you get them?" He yelled back, I agreed before walking out the door and slamming it behind me, I didn't go to the GYM today so I decided to walk to the shop to make up for it. I gasped a bit surprised when a teenage girl yelled my name, I turned around "Sorry so I know you?" I asked trying to sound polite, she started jumping wildly "Aren't you Joey Graceffas boyfriend?!" She said sounding very over excited, I sighed "Yep, that's me, the guy who ruined shoey" I said, messing with my hair, she looked confused "What do you mean, Janiel is otp now!" She said but I didn't really understand teenage girl talk "Janiel?" I asked, she laughed "Joey and Daniel." Suddenly I realised maybe they did like me, I mean they like Joey, Joey likes me. Too my surprise I ended up taking a selfie with her and signing her phone case which was a picture of Joey shirtless, I asked her where to get one as a joke but she ended up writing the link on my hand, at least I know what to get Joey for his birthday now, our house is already full of pictures of Joey shirtless - not that I'm complaining.

I came home with a cookie oven and a soda maker for Joey to use in his videos "I'm home!" I shouted but I got no response so I went upstairs, I opened the door and Joey was recording a video for his Hmong channel "sorry I'll just go-" I said awkwardly, "no wait, come say hi to my piggies." He said, I blushed and came over into the camera, I rested my hand on his shoulder "isn't my boyfriend gorgeonia**" I smiled as he said that to over 3 million people, I loved Joey Graceffa and I could tell he loved me.

**gorgeonia // gorgeous
Hi guys I am so happy with how this story is growing, and I really appreciate every single one of you xox comment below any ideas you want to see
- abbs

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