10. My sugar daddy ~ Joeys P.O.V

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CONTAINS BAD LANGUAGE and extreme feels, I warned you xD

"Joey, wake up, you'll be late for school" Daniel purred as he sat at his desk grading papers from his college class, I groaned and squinted at him "Can't I skip school today? I don't feel well"
He sighed dramatically and walked over to me I pouted adding "please" but he pressed his palm onto my forehead "you'll live Joey, school!" He said strictly, I smirked "Kiss me first." I could tell he wanted to kiss me, he shook his head but the lust in his eyes said otherwise. After five minutes of arguing he finally pressed his lush pink lips against mine shutting me up, he sucked my bottom lip softly before pulling away and frowning "School. Now." I could tell that was an order so I rolled my eyes and got dressed and ready for school, I was in my last year of high school, Daniel however had already finished college. I guess you could say he was my sugar daddy.

School wasn't great, but I suppose no teenager could say they loved school, but it was different I hated English especially, I'm dyslexic which doesn't bother me but my English teacher gets flustered with me a lot, Mr Watts hates me it's obvious.

I walked down the corridor and bumped into Lisa, Lisa was a sweet girl she had long blonde hair and she was quite pale, she smiled "Hey Joey, have you seen Shane?" She asked, I shrugged "sorry, maybe ask Drew?" I suggested knowing they were probably together, she nodded "tell Daniel I say hi!" She chirped before skipping off, I smiled and carried on walking, great suddenly I heard Mr. Watts shouting my name, I turned round and headed towards him "Yes, sir?" His lips curled into a demonic smirk, well he might have been grinning but either way he was a creep "I need your parents to come in tomorrow night to discuss your grades" he put way to much emphasis into the word discuss, he sent shudders down my spine, I looked down "I don't live with my parents sir, and I wouldn't know where to find them even if I tried." I said lying threw my teeth, I knew just where they were, my dad was probably having a blow job of a stripper while my mum got wasted but what was I supposed to say 'sorry sir my parents are probably somewhere getting high while I fuck my sugar daddy' no thanks. He suddenly seemed very alert "who do you live with? You live with an adult, right?" I nodded quickly "I live with my.. Friend" I pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He smirked "Well if your friends the adult who's responsible for you then I guess he can come see me, after school, today."
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit

"Dany" I leant my head on his bare chest "My bitch ass teacher needs you to come discuss my grades in like 10 minutes.." I whispered embarrassed, he burst out laughing "You want me, your boyfriend who's a lot older than you to go and talk about your grades?" He asked half thinking I was joking. I sighed "I know it's lame but can you just say your my friend, my teacher already thinks I'm a spoilt idiot I don't want him knowing I have a sugar daddy.." I pouted and put on my best puppy dog eyes, he hesitated but agreed, I sat on our bed watching as he changed into a back suit, damn "you look great!" I said encouragingly I think he was nervous, so was I.

I wanted to grab Daniels hand so badly as we walked to my teachers office, I felt like a naughty child being dragged to the heads office with my dad apart from my 'dad' was my lover and the 'head' was just some shitty English teacher who thought the Lord has blessed his soul, plus I bet he had a small dick.
Daniel knocked on the door as I hung behind him looking guilty of everything I've ever done from borrowing Daniels sweater with out asking to using my phone in class. Suddenly I heard the loud, weasy breathing of Mr watts "Ah, mister.." He began, Daniel cut him of "Preda, Daniel Preda" he said in a low authoritative voice making me blush "Well Mister Preda please come in." He said standing to the side allowing us both entrance but to my surprise, Daniel held the door open "After you Joseph" he smirked at me and I hit his arm playfully and walked into the office, I could tell Mr Watts was suspicious but honestly at this time I didn't give a shit I was ready too tear of all of Daniels clothes and start making out in front of sir, but instead I took a seat and let his glares slide, Once we had all sat down, Daniel put his hand on my thigh under the desk comforting me, "I don't have all day, Joey tells me his grades have been slipping, is this true?" He asked my teacher.
"Well, I can assure you Joey always does his homework."
"Hm.. I bet he does whatever you tell him, doesn't he?" The cheeky bastard said in his sly tone, I could feel Daniels hands form into a fist "Please if you have something to say just go ahead and say it!" He said angrily, Mr Watts didn't seem fazed or threatened "All I'm saying is I think Joseph should be living with a parental figure not some over aged 'lover' or whatever you sick couple yourself"
SHIT Daniels fist flew into the air and punched Mr Watts right in the nose causing a noise bleed "Come on Joey, we're leaving." He said grabbing my arm and pulled me with him, after minutes of silence he began laughing, I looked at Daniel, he was probably delusional from the shock "Are you ok Dani?" I asked softly,
He didn't reply which worried me until his lips brushed against mine not innocently or like a tease no, this was hot and fiery and passionate, he slipped his tongue inside my mouth as our tongues fought for dominance he pulled away and whispered into my ear "I love you baby boy"

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