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I take another step as I dash down the hallway, attempting to be as quiet as possible. She's been chasing me, the girl who I'd been fooled into trusting. My eyes scan the dimly-lit hall, desperately trying to find an exit. Instead, I duck into an abandoned classroom and the moment of silence allows me to hear her approaching footsteps.

"Emma, where are you?" she calls out in a singsong voice. "I just want to play."

Through the crack underneath the door, I see her shadow pass. I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut. Go away, go away, go away. I don't want to die here. At last her footsteps fade away into silence.

I begin breathing normally again and I immediately note the windows leading outside. As I attempt to open the window, though, the classroom door opens just slow enough as to cause the hinges to creak. The noise startles me, and once I turn around, the sight of her induced the simultaneous dropping of my heart and stomach.

Her originally gorgeous blonde hair is matted with the blood of whom I can assume is the teacher that tried to save me. In addition, blood is spattered across her entire body, but strangely enough, her eyes are shrouded by shadows. Oh, oh no. Her smile. Oh god. She looks inhuman.

I back myself against the wall and manage to stutter out, "W-why are you doing this?"

She cocks her head to the side as if the question confuses her.

"Eric is mine. Everything I do is for him."

In the flickering light, I recognize the glint of a blade in her hand and my body is paralyzed by fear. Her steps are confident, yet calculated as she draws closer. No, no, no is being repeated in my head, but she's face-to-face with me already.

She leans forward, her lips touching my ear, and whispers, "No one will ever come between us. I'll make sure of that."

"I don't want him. He's all yours," I squeak in desperation.

"But you hurt him," she responds, her tone filling with rage, "For that, you'll pay. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart."

Those were her last words before she sent the knife into my neck. A split second after, I feel the warmth of my blood as it seeps out of my wound. I try to scream out in pain, but all that can escape is a gurgle. A few moments into what felt like an eternity, my vision began to darken at the edges. Someone help. Just as I pass out, I see her inhumane, wicked smile.

Blood Spilled and Secrets ExposedWhere stories live. Discover now